Last one to post in this thread wins!

I like using my ball joint press for ironing out those buckles. I have a large shortened bolt that fits in the open hole of the press but the head wont allow it to fall through. Then I finagle a 3/8 thick chunk of bar up in there between the buckle and the ball joint screw and rattle away on the buckle while I'm pushing or pulling on the frame. Works really well. I actually cut a notch in another large bolt head to step up where the frame over laps or has a cross member.
Need some pics?
Yea please not sure what you got going there.
Give me a few...
So I bent a piece of aluminum to simulate the frame. Could use smaller iron like the blue piece if needed.
I got the C clap just need to find a hunk of iron stout enough to handle it.
Of course, you can totally flip that around and use the screw end to push on the buckle and put the heavy iron on the end with the hole in it. I've straightened a lot of bumpers and brackets with it too.
I be home And a long day and tired soooooooooo Chili night and a ant acid before bed and everything will be good. Kinda sorta.
BP sorry you fell on your *** but a good stiff drink helps.
Mark how did it go at the doc's today and FOG your eyes all healed up yet?
Hard to keep up with you guys I still miss Jeff and would like to know how he's doing.
The Doc is very slowly taking me off the prednisone and have to call him on the 18th and let him know how things are going. I figured that is what he would do. Great minds think alike LOL
Hope the antacids did their job.
Sure could use your help BP pulling a frame on a 2010 Ram p/u nothing major just the rear bumper got hit and pushed the frame down at the end of the trailer hitch hook up to the frame and just a power post and floor anchors in the shop. So lots of heat and and a big hammer I think. lol
Don't tease it HIT IT!!!
The Doc is very slowly taking me off the prednisone and have to call him on the 18th and let him know how things are going. I figured that is what he would do. Great minds think alike LOL
Hope the antacids did their job.
Fingers crossed Mark hope it's fixed.
Morning guys clear skies and holding around 25* F every morning so far.
Way to warm for this time of year but not complaining.
Morning Buddy. Yeah time will tell.
OH YAY!!! we got more snow last night. Looks like just enough to get the blower out.
Have a great day
I guess mother nature thinks you need the exercise.
That sucks I say no more snow for the rest of the winter.