Separate Page for New Want/For Sale Items?


Lord Sparky

Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2019
Reaction score
Carlsbad, California
The Home Page Recently Posted Topics list is bogged down with all the new Want/For Sale items. The new questions get quickly pushed off the page from all the Want/For Sale items. I wonder if these Want/For Sale posts could be accessed from a link on the Home Page but separate from all the question posts. Does anyone else think this is a good idea? Not sure who could program this or if it is possible.
It has been suggested many times. The classified forums of this site are a huge part of it's success. You don't want them to be hidden from the members. I have bought many good parts here becuse the ad was on the top of page 1. Things I would not be looking for necessarily.
"New posts" remembers what topic headers you've seen.

If it's been on your screen, clicking "new posts" won't show it to you again unless someone adds to it.
if i'm not looking to buy something, i usually skim right over them. i have enough crap on my "buy" list, i don't need help adding to it :lol:
"New posts" remembers what topic headers you've seen.

If it's been on your screen, clicking "new posts" won't show it to you again unless someone adds to it.
Thanks. I actually never noticed Recent Posts or New Posts in the header (both seem to be the same thing?) I always went to the Home page thinking all the new posts were there. There are posts under Recent Posts and New Posts that don't seem to show up on the Home page list. Confusing. I guess I'll just look under New Posts in the future. I'm still not that interested in seeing all the Wanted/For Sale items if I am not looking for something to buy.
Thanks. I actually never noticed Recent Posts or New Posts in the header (both seem to be the same thing?)

New posts does not include threads you've seen since they were last updated, Recent posts includes all recent posts, even if you've read them.

The homepage has recent threads listed based on their original post time.