Last one to post in this thread wins!

Back in from the fields. Beyond 1/2 and will run a full wagon into the mill before work. Rain coming tomorrow night and Thursday so I should finish next weekend.
Having a real hard time right not. I plugged the combine with a patch of green weeds I should have went around. I was using a 5 foot cheater pipe with a pipe wrench on the cylinder shaft. It was plugged so bad I had to climb on the combine and jump up and down on the pipe. The wrench slipped off and I came down about 6 feet on top of the tire in the center of my back. It sounded like water in my ears as I hit and I swear the sound of walnuts being cracked. I called my neighbor who owns the land and he came out and unplugged it for me.
I had him help push me up in the combine to finish filling the wagon. The hot shower felt good took Tylenol an am able to breath now. Ol lady gave me a muscle relaxer to hopefully sleep. I will see how I feel in the AM after I run the wagon in to dump. If its too bad I will go to the hospital.
Having a real hard time right not. I plugged the combine with a patch of green weeds I should have went around. I was using a 5 foot cheater pipe with a pipe wrench on the cylinder shaft. It was plugged so bad I had to climb on the combine and jump up and down on the pipe. The wrench slipped off and I came down about 6 feet on top of the tire in the center of my back. It sounded like water in my ears as I hit and I swear the sound of walnuts being cracked. I called my neighbor who owns the land and he came out and unplugged it for me.
I had him help push me up in the combine to finish filling the wagon. The hot shower felt good took Tylenol an am able to breath now. Ol lady gave me a muscle relaxer to hopefully sleep. I will see how I feel in the AM after I run the wagon in to dump. If its too bad I will go to the hospital.
Holy crap CF, I sure hope you didn't break anything. That sure sucks !!!
Having a real hard time right not. I plugged the combine with a patch of green weeds I should have went around. I was using a 5 foot cheater pipe with a pipe wrench on the cylinder shaft. It was plugged so bad I had to climb on the combine and jump up and down on the pipe. The wrench slipped off and I came down about 6 feet on top of the tire in the center of my back. It sounded like water in my ears as I hit and I swear the sound of walnuts being cracked. I called my neighbor who owns the land and he came out and unplugged it for me.
I had him help push me up in the combine to finish filling the wagon. The hot shower felt good took Tylenol an am able to breath now. Ol lady gave me a muscle relaxer to hopefully sleep. I will see how I feel in the AM after I run the wagon in to dump. If its too bad I will go to the hospital.
Dammit CF don't go getting hurt real bad you should of just went home instead of working.
Well it’s raining cats and dogs all day and only 9 deg c
Snapped this today.
Old lady refuses to turn the furnace on, it’s 63 in the house wtf.
Here it is almost midnight, and the gas station nearby has decided to have some jack hammering done. At least Biff can throw an extra blanket on the bed. Looks like I'll be up a while.
Mornin guys. Just got home from the ER. about my back. I could not breathe last night when I tried to lay down because of the pain. Thankfully it is just pulled muscles after an ultrasound and xrays. Day off work today and pain killer script. with orders to chill and rest today. I need to go back out for that in just over 4 hours. The upside is nothing broke including my back and ribs.
Having a real hard time right not. I plugged the combine with a patch of green weeds I should have went around. I was using a 5 foot cheater pipe with a pipe wrench on the cylinder shaft. It was plugged so bad I had to climb on the combine and jump up and down on the pipe. The wrench slipped off and I came down about 6 feet on top of the tire in the center of my back. It sounded like water in my ears as I hit and I swear the sound of walnuts being cracked. I called my neighbor who owns the land and he came out and unplugged it for me.
I had him help push me up in the combine to finish filling the wagon. The hot shower felt good took Tylenol an am able to breath now. Ol lady gave me a muscle relaxer to hopefully sleep. I will see how I feel in the AM after I run the wagon in to dump. If its too bad I will go to the hospital.
You have to be careful buddy. You only get to go around once in this world. Hope you didn't take the muscle relaxer and Tylenol the same time. One thing to stay away from is Advil, they are extremely hard on your kidneys. Fell better soon but take it easy.