Stop in for a cup of coffee

And tool roads are always under construction. :BangHead::mad::mad::mob::mob::mob: They always have money to fix them. :lol:

CalTrans and the Feds in their infinite wisdom seem to be spending a great deal of money in SoCal on pay to play lanes attached to existing roadways. If I hadn't retired already I would be in LA or Riverside or Orange Counties making concrete for the Interstates and the big money that goes along with it :lol:.
Hey now, don't confuse me with a slut.... I'm a *****... :mad:

With a *****, you have to pay for it, sluts give it away for free.... :p
More than once did the GM of the dealer I worked at bring non paying customers back to the shop and say "see my boys back here? They are like whores, they turn a trick and then get paid." And the customers usually went straight to the cashier with their checkbook and their mouth closed. George was a great guy!
Got the gantry assembled, set to maximum width using my manlift. Then had to straighten it. Had a twist. Chained it to a truck, and gave it a push with forklift. Now its good to go. To lift cabs or truck boxes.
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I think it's about nacho 30
Speaking of nachos,, I had some for lunch.
