Stop in for a cup of coffee

It's a grader for leveling gravel on driveway (or whatever). I removed the tines as wasn't using that implement. I keep it on there because it helps keep tractor stable, I was lifting one tire while maneuvering to the pile as the stump was near the 1100 pound lifting max. Tires are filled with liquid as well for stability.
Thought it was just did not see the tines on it. I borrow my neibors each spring, He borrows my tiller good trade.
Then my boss asked me when I was taking her Christmas shopping. I asked if she was joking and she said no she wanted me to take her shopping. SHe is my boss! Big cups! Always kinda nipply....a lot! Much younger and attractive. My boss. Good grief. And only my boss for 6 months because they just promoted her. I kind of have a girlfriend.
And the worse is your own mini-Tike supervisor/employee scandal could knock you out of a pension.
I hate to spoil some fun but wait until you retire to do any shopping.
As a supervisor what she said was inappropriate. JMO.
So in the you can’t make this up category, I tried sending a buddy a gift certificate to his favorite brew pub. Their web site was having issues and it would not go thru. So I called the establishment and explained what I was doing, the nice girl who answered phone agreed web site was down. I explained I wanted to purchase a gift certificate with a credit card, she said sure thing come on in. I explained I was a thousand miles away and could not just pop in. She then explained she could not do credit card over phone. I reminded her their website was down, she says please hold let me get a supervisor. Comes back on line and confirms supervisor said she can’t take credit card over phone. I replied I want to purchase a gift certificate from you, your website is down and I live a thousand miles away, how would you suggest we get this done? She says, that is a great question. Long awkward pause so I simply hung up.

That sucks. I did that for a coworker of mine who retired in Texas, he had told me about the place, lucky they were game for that. They are probably just trying to protect against fraud.
So in the you can’t make this up category, I tried sending a buddy a gift certificate to his favorite brew pub. Their web site was having issues and it would not go thru. So I called the establishment and explained what I was doing, the nice girl who answered phone agreed web site was down. I explained I wanted to purchase a gift certificate with a credit card, she said sure thing come on in. I explained I was a thousand miles away and could not just pop in. She then explained she could not do credit card over phone. I reminded her their website was down, she says please hold let me get a supervisor. Comes back on line and confirms supervisor said she can’t take credit card over phone. I replied I want to purchase a gift certificate from you, your website is down and I live a thousand miles away, how would you suggest we get this done? She says, that is a great question. Long awkward pause so I simply hung up.
Sounds like it's time to call the CC company and cancel that purchase and have a laugh with your buddy.
Opps not enough coffee re-read it and saw you were trying to buy...ugh!!
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So in the you can’t make this up category, I tried sending a buddy a gift certificate to his favorite brew pub. Their web site was having issues and it would not go thru. So I called the establishment and explained what I was doing, the nice girl who answered phone agreed web site was down. I explained I wanted to purchase a gift certificate with a credit card, she said sure thing come on in. I explained I was a thousand miles away and could not just pop in. She then explained she could not do credit card over phone. I reminded her their website was down, she says please hold let me get a supervisor. Comes back on line and confirms supervisor said she can’t take credit card over phone. I replied I want to purchase a gift certificate from you, your website is down and I live a thousand miles away, how would you suggest we get this done? She says, that is a great question. Long awkward pause so I simply hung up.
That sucks. I did that for a coworker of mine who retired in Texas, he had told me about the place, lucky they were game for that. They are probably just trying to protect against fraud.
Depends on the establishment. Some can only swipe the cards and can’t input numbers simply because they don’t have the system to let them do it
Finally got her into the doc. We waiting on some new type of rapid test results
Kind of funny in a way. There is a fox chasing people in the next county. In the sand box some how one got into a C-130 before we locked it up. Well next day open it up thing come flying out. Plane was ripped up near the windows, wires and insulation was trashed along with the two seats. Guy made up a wanted poster with a fox on it and put it everywhere. Lot of avionics wires got chewed and what sucked some of those for the compas flux valve for example cannot have splices in it or be near AC wires, and the rest no more than one splice. That sucked.
Kind of funny in a way. There is a fox chasing people in the next county. In the sand box some how one got into a C-130 before we locked it up. Well next day open it up thing come flying out. Plane was ripped up near the windows, wires and insulation was trashed along with the two seats. Guy made up a wanted poster with a fox on it and put it everywhere. Lot of avionics wires got chewed and what sucked some of those for the compas flux valve for example cannot have splices in it or be near AC wires, and the rest no more than one splice. That sucked.
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You mean you didn’t send a private in there to take the blame?!
Kind of funny in a way. There is a fox chasing people in the next county. In the sand box some how one got into a C-130 before we locked it up. Well next day open it up thing come flying out. Plane was ripped up near the windows, wires and insulation was trashed along with the two seats. Guy made up a wanted poster with a fox on it and put it everywhere. Lot of avionics wires got chewed and what sucked some of those for the compas flux valve for example cannot have splices in it or be near AC wires, and the rest no more than one splice. That sucked.
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Hey, leave him was the secret squirrels who ate the wiring.
So in the you can’t make this up category, I tried sending a buddy a gift certificate to his favorite brew pub. Their web site was having issues and it would not go thru. So I called the establishment and explained what I was doing, the nice girl who answered phone agreed web site was down. I explained I wanted to purchase a gift certificate with a credit card, she said sure thing come on in. I explained I was a thousand miles away and could not just pop in. She then explained she could not do credit card over phone. I reminded her their website was down, she says please hold let me get a supervisor. Comes back on line and confirms supervisor said she can’t take credit card over phone. I replied I want to purchase a gift certificate from you, your website is down and I live a thousand miles away, how would you suggest we get this done? She says, that is a great question. Long awkward pause so I simply hung up.
Should have asked her what she is wearing!:poke:
Too bad the Pfizer pill isn't ready yet. Within 3 days of symptoms is what they just said.
Took the grand kids to the neighbor's yesterday. They had a great time.
They have cats, dogs, goats, chickens, and the "big mouse" as he called it.
The mouse is their pet possum Henry.

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Did not know you can tame them for pets. I get them here once in a wile and they are pretty nasty to deal with. Usually a .22