Last one to post in this thread wins!

Here in the US we have the saying "I may not agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
There is always two sides to a fence. 66% of the population surveyed were in complete agreement with the Gov.
If I didn't agree with what the government did or said I wouldn't be up there protesting (unless it was necessary). I'm a law abiding citizen.
But trying to over run the gov. is not the way to do it. You express your views in the next election not by hostility.
I was horrified by what happened at your capital and I apologize if I offended anyone saying that.
As far as DIY calling us a bunch of Nazis I just take into consideration where it's coming from.
Our country is just as free as yours is. Think about Russia and the Ukraine at the moment. Too bad someone doesn't put a bullet between Putin's eyes.
You and I will always be friends Fred, I have a lot of respect for you and your family and we both have the same values.
Freedom of choice is what makes our countries so unique and we can't expect everyone to agree as long as it peaceful and not radicals getting in there just to raise ****
There is always two sides to a fence. 66% of the population surveyed were in complete agreement with the Gov.
If I didn't agree with what the government did or said I wouldn't be up there protesting (unless it was necessary). I'm a law abiding citizen.
But trying to over run the gov. is not the way to do it. You express your views in the next election not by hostility.
I was horrified by what happened at your capital and I apologize if I offended anyone saying that.
As far as DIY calling us a bunch of Nazis I just take into consideration where it's coming from.
Our country is just as free as yours is. Think about Russia and the Ukraine at the moment. Too bad someone doesn't put a bullet between Putin's eyes.
You and I will always be friends Fred, I have a lot of respect for you and your family and we both have the same values.
Freedom of choice is what makes our countries so unique and we can't expect everyone to agree as long as it peaceful and not radicals getting in there just to raise ****
I agree with you Mark and we’ll stated
Morning guys and Happy Tuesday.
Looks like 7 today but rain and maybe some freezing rain thrown in.
At least some of the snow will go. Been around here too long for my liking.
Everyone have a great day
There is always two sides to a fence. 66% of the population surveyed were in complete agreement with the Gov.
If I didn't agree with what the government did or said I wouldn't be up there protesting (unless it was necessary). I'm a law abiding citizen.
But trying to over run the gov. is not the way to do it. You express your views in the next election not by hostility.
I was horrified by what happened at your capital and I apologize if I offended anyone saying that.
As far as DIY calling us a bunch of Nazis I just take into consideration where it's coming from.
Our country is just as free as yours is. Think about Russia and the Ukraine at the moment. Too bad someone doesn't put a bullet between Putin's eyes.
You and I will always be friends Fred, I have a lot of respect for you and your family and we both have the same values.
Freedom of choice is what makes our countries so unique and we can't expect everyone to agree as long as it peaceful and not radicals getting in there just to raise ****
I understand what your saying Mark and yes you are a good friend. The reason I took my post down is I get to upset talking about politics and best if I don't .
Morning gents -33 here this morn heading for a high of -18, a heat wave take care.
Hope you have enough fire wood Murray looks like winter might be here for a long time.
Thinking hibernating is not such a bad idea. lol
Hope you have enough fire wood Murray looks like winter might be here for a long time.
Thinking hibernating is not such a bad idea. lol
Fire wood should be enough, next years is ordered should be here in a week or so but it’s green you can mix it in but have to be real careful of creosote build up, chimney fires. If the wood supply runs out I’ll have to double up the torque strap on the hydro meter LMAO
Fire wood should be enough, next years is ordered should be here in a week or so but it’s green you can mix it in but have to be real careful of creosote build up, chimney fires. If the wood supply runs out I’ll have to double up the torque strap on the hydro meter LMAO
Been to a lot of chimney fires when I was a fireman and first lesson I learned when the fire is out don't go looking down the chimney till it cools down. Don't ask me how I know that. lol
This is not a place for preaching move on .
Oh, no no no
You can not close pandoras box again

You mentioned sin
Don't be offended if I pick up that conversation

You don't want to talk about something?
Don't bring it up