Last one to post in this thread wins!

The subject was "sin"
Unless we're speaking Spanish here, that pretty much implies we're talking religion

Now, about those gas fireplaces
They rock

I got one in the living room, and it's kept my but nice and toasty through a few power outages
Yeah they work really well. The electric one can just be for effect.
Religion and politics. No wining either argument you believe what you believe and I believe what I believe. If I want to know anything about what you believe I’ll ask. No mentioning a subject, no thinking I mentioned a subject. If I want to know anything about your beliefs I’ll ask flat out ok
Well said and in complete agreement.
Morning fellas and Happy Hump Day.
With all the rain we got yesterday and the mild temps we got rid of a lot of snow finally. Still a lot to go but took a big bite of what was there.
Physio for me at 10 today. My second go round but think it's helping plus I'm doing exercises everyday.
Not much left of Feb so hopefully start getting into some nice weather. Just hope Mother Nature isn't getting PMS...
Yeah they work really well. The electric one can just be for effect.

we got two of the electric ones
one is portable and gets used to get my boys room up to temp (he sleeps in the basement)

the other one is mounted in a wall in the hot tub room and is mostly used for decor (though the heatling element does work, but it is kind nice to have thar room a little cooler)
Morning ok you northers can close the fridge door it’s cold ! Not -37 cold but it’s a damp cold so feels like -37
we got two of the electric ones
one is portable and gets used to get my boys room up to temp (he sleeps in the basement)

the other one is mounted in a wall in the hot tub room and is mostly used for decor (though the heatling element does work, but it is kind nice to have thar room a little cooler)
Father in law has a high efficiency oil furnace. Lives in a 60’s 900sq ft bungalow had all these little portable electric heaters in every room. He said every time the furnace fired all he could see was $$$$ out the chimney. He said this way is cheaper. So my wife crunched the #’s. Turns out those electric heaters that were saving him money actually were costing him 50 to 75 bucks a month more. But it was a little bit at a time not the $1000.00 dollars a crack to fill fuel tank. Nickel and dimming himself. Not that he really believes her now, he’ll be 90 in 3 weeks, but he put all but one away. Still living by him self so doing not bad. Just hope it’s not my wife who finds him.
30 and rain and sleet about to arrive.

Going to be a nasty night here on the hill
