Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning Craig! How is Hammie this morning? Heads up for the Oct 1 event book hotel early as it is a home game for Razorbacks, the Tide be rolling in. Likely be an ESPN game and all the nonsense that comes with it. Wish house was built!
It's coming along. Skipping another game this week and going to start working in some light running.
Store to store not into CA or WA but out no issues. Has to be on a pallet. So dropped off and picked up. Pretty cheap really.


Holy crap! That latest video is exploding. It looked like I would break 300 views overnight, not... 774 views last count and still going.
What video? I'll watch it. Or do you mean the one of you in the Ferd driving in the yard? I did see that one
Already hot and humid. Have to spend the day driving slow and passing time. Next stop is 1 hour away,and check in is after 3:00. So lots of sightseeing.
Holy crap might have the done distributors inventoried today. Then I have a crapload of cores to ID!:icon_fU: