Stop in for a cup of coffee


Went with copper. Tossed the plastic line that came with the gauges

Shift, park and speedometer cables.

Build to order. That stung a little
Yes but do it right and do it once. I think of all the original things I have replaced on my 50 year old cars. Most will last my lifetime.
I took a massive dump today and it reminded me of one of yall.......I ain't sayin who.
So what an awesome day. I go to sleep thinking its going to be a grind to get to 500 and then @MomsDuster does a post and bam I have 7 subs to go. I needed a pick me up and instead got a blessing. The guys/gals on these forums are great thank you all. Good morning all.
Morning peeps...finished the dash yesterday.
Changing out the driver's side engine mount next. Original big block A body mounts are just hard to find.
Someone long ago put a right side C body mount on the left side.
My buddy pointed out my door bolts were wrong. I had the right ones in my stash cleaned and painted them going on soon.
Finish up some cosmetic fixes and move on to the 55 Chevy for some electrical work.
Today day though we go to a big car show nearby 2000 cars swap meat, vendors, and food. :thumbsup: