Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning Y'all

Finally getting around the corner on these low grade headaches that have been going on for weeks. I've done a saline sinus rinse every day for the last 6 and I can notice a difference.
Hopefully the headaches clear up. I don't take them lightly. Knock on wood, with the blood pressure meds, I haven't had a migraine in over 2 months. Down from a couple per week.
and Good Morning everyone. Typically my Friday, but I will need to come in for 1/2 day or so tomorrow too. Coworker is out the rest of the year for surgery, so some OT will be nice.
Welcome to Break fast. The most important meal of the day
Coffee is my breakfast.

Just got done working out. I knock it out first thing in the morning and no excuses
I'm still trying to convince my wife of that. She always wants to procrastinate. But I think I have her on track now. We exercise before breakfast.