Need paint help



Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2006
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I'm getting a lot closer to being ready to paint my duster. I will be useing a base coat clear coat. This is my first attempt at painting a whole car a different color. How do I get the door jambs and all them places painted without leaveing lines.If I mask off I'm worried about leaving lines that are visable. Do you have to feather sand the edges after you remove the masking to mount the doors so you can paint the outside. I'm just trying to visualize how the parting lines would flow out. Ive seen cars with all the jambs and stuff painted and then assembled befor the outside gets sprayed but I just don't know how it blends in in those areas.
I just painted my Duster.. First time also But as told to do by a knowledgeable(big word) person I followed his advice. Paint under hood, trunk,jambs,around fenders and then reasemble. Tape off inside doors and windows then paint. Mask off doors where weatherstrip will be. Its easier than you think....

duster 073 (Small).jpg

duster 079 (Small).jpg

duster 077 (Small).jpg
Yup , thats how the factory did it. On cars with a different color inside the tape lines are hidden under weatherstirps and have never edges sanded.
So this is a base coat clear coat. Do u clear the inside jambs?
To save a step I used single stage in stead of basse clear of the same color for the engine compartment, trunk, bottoms of the hood & trunk and the jams.
Thing is I got my paint online and I don't know if the single stage paint will match real good. I'm hopping to only have to paint this car once so I want to do the best job with the resorces I have avalible. Thanks to all who have offered advice. I apreciate it very much.
There Is A Special Tape To Put Inside All Your Doors And Hood And Trunk. Its Round And You Will Have No Lines At All. Its Pricey But Well Worth It. I Used It On Mine. I Think It Cost About $40.00 At A NAPA Store. Don't Skimp Here.
If you are masking off the jams stick the tape down towards the inside of the car and roll the edge to the outside back on itself. You will not have a hard paint line and if there is any noticeable paint line a little color sanding with 1500 grit and it will be gone.
Well I have the whole car disassembled now so I think I'm going to make some "saw horses" or stands of some sort and paint It all in pieces that way I wont have any paint lines to worry about.



heads and duster 044.jpg
as long as its a solid,non metallic color.You can paint the car put together,though,without any lines.Paint all the jambs first,then tape up at a pinch weld seam.There are already lines there,so it wont be noticed anyways.for instance,were the quarter panel wraps inside the door post area,there is a line,were the edge of the quarter panel is.if you tape on the back side of this line,there wont be a line.same on fenders,trunkjambs,etc.were there arent any body seams,you can roll your tape back,to make it rounded,does the same thing as that high dollar door jamb foam tape,called d.a.r.t.Its easy to do with some practice,and doesnt leave any lines.If your unsure of what im talking about,i can take some pics of the procedure for ya