Chrysler wants more money,or pulling out of Canada



Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2008
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Last night on the news,Chrysler said if the Canadian Government does,nt give up some more Bailout money(Loans)they have no choice but to close manufacturing plants in Canada.I,ll have to watch the 11 o,clock news for more info.
I need Chrysler to succeed,as i work for them,but shouldnt this be there problem and not the governments?I dont see the point in this bailout plan
as if they dont do anything about whats happening they will sink anyways.Right?
I need Chrysler to succeed,as i work for them,but shouldnt this be there problem and not the governments?I dont see the point in this bailout plan
as if they dont do anything about whats happening they will sink anyways.Right?
I myself work at Ford Oakville and gave up 40 hours vac. which I worked over 20 years to get,now they are taking another 40 hours away and also summer/christmas bonuses.I need to work for the government so I can get a 26% raise and a pension.
I myself work at Ford Oakville and gave up 40 hours vac. which I worked over 20 years to get,now they are taking another 40 hours away and also summer/christmas bonuses.I need to work for the government so I can get a 26% raise and a pension.

Im with ya there pettyblue,i lost 2 weeks vaca at work.they fired my parts
manager,so now i have his job with out title or the pay and a ton more work
and the headaches.We are a multi dealer,i have Ford too.This sucks!
'Give me the money or else'... I'd just as soon tell them to shove one of those minivans up there a**. Over the years we've invested hundreds of millions in them, and to here rhetoric like that. What a bunch of clowns.

I really feel for the people working there though.

I don't know if the bail out will work, I hope it does, but at the end of the day, if now one buys your stuff, then what's the point.
I recently left Chrysler In Windsor. The guys are really upset because there is no support for autoworkers from the general public. They are pissed because Chrysler will not honour pattern bargaining that was agreed on at GM. Lasorda shouldn't have gone public with the Chrysler/Cerberus demands. It should have been done in a bargaining session.

It ended up giving Chrysler another black eye. All they accomplished was pissing off the employees, and union.
I heard Cerberus call a 'vulture fund' today. They there to squeeze out what little life is left in Chrysler. I bet they will start chopping it up and selling it off.
I heard Cerberus call a 'vulture fund' today. They there to squeeze out what little life is left in Chrysler. I bet they will start chopping it up and selling it off.

Definitely. The intention was to turn a profit. They won't invest in it. They're just trying to get rid of it now, and get their money back. Cerberus HATES losing money.
Their cars are ranked terribly in Consumer Reports, the want more bail-out cash here and abroad, and they dare make threats? Bye, bye Chrysler...they aren't the same corporation as 40 years ago, sad to say, I have no allegiance to them. Scr*w them.
Their cars are ranked terribly in Consumer Reports, the want more bail-out cash here and abroad, and they dare make threats? Bye, bye Chrysler...they aren't the same corporation as 40 years ago, sad to say, I have no allegiance to them. Scr*w them.

A lot of the employees are starting to feel the same way. It just gets worse by the day.
I think GM will be next,they want $22 Billion more!The public wants to see them go bankrupt before they hand over anymore cash.Time will tell.:clock:
I moved here from Windsor 4 years ago and the death was already on the way , they put that fancy computer paint line in the big van plant to show the feds they were serious about building in canada if only the feds would bury the auto pact which they did and six months after it was gone so was the big van plant and its been winding down ever since , with no reason { ie the auto pact} to build in Canada why would they when Mexicants and South Americants will work for 10 cents on the dollar and they can still charge us full price for a new recycled Budwiser can ? The Employees don't help when every 8th van or something like that comes out the door missing its stereo something needs to change but the death blow is free trade plain and simple our government has betrayed our whole way of life in every Industry across the board - ok my soap box just broke gotta go
Giving money to the car companies won't help.

We could give them 500 billion... Wouldn't matter... People are not buying cars.

The only thing that can save them is for the economy to totally turn around.... I think it could be years before we see that.
Just thought I would add this from a columnist. It explains Cerberus for what they are doing:

"If nothing else, the Chrysler controlled by the shadowy Cerberus Capital Management LP of New York has shown a recurring willingness to muscle constituents reluctant to accede to its demands. Just ask Julie Brown's Plastech Engineered Products Inc., the Dearborn supplier driven into liquidation last year in a fight with Chrysler.

Could the Canadians be next? Probably not, considering rising joblessness, dismal auto sales and the fact a Chrysler pull-out would have serious repercussions for the government of Premier Stephen Harper and Ontario's status as the epicenter of Canada's foreign-owned auto industry.

But the tactic? More of the same for a company whose owner won't tell the public who owns it and won't ask those investors to pump more capital into the nearly failing enterprise because that would violate Cerberus's investor guidelines.

Instead, American taxpayers -- and, now, the Canadians -- are expected to write fat checks for an automaker whose major investors could be public pension funds or Warren Buffett or sovereign wealth funds controlled by foreign governments. At least struggling General Motors Corp., its market cap whittled to $1.33 billion, is obligated to disclose the large owners of whatever equity remains.

Chrysler's got a credibility problem exacerbated by secrecy, less scrutiny and more corporate muscle. It gets a $4 billion lifeline from Treasury, launches a massive incentive program that pumps its retail market share higher and then, in Press's words, emphasizes "that no government loan money was used to fund customer incentives."
My Charger purchase is now on hold after hearing this. If any of the auto makers pull out of Canada I will not purchase any of their product.
I have driven nothing but Mopars for over 25 years. That being said, if Mopar goes down, it's because of greedy investors, greedy executives, greedy unions & workers with incredible benefits. [eg. summer bonuses, paid bithdays, cumulative sick pay, vehicle discounts, etc].

Of course when asked why they're in dire states, they will all answer with, "It's not our fault", convieniently pointing fingers at someone else. NEWSFLASH, it's all of you. So, get it together or your next jobs will be at McD's. They need managers & workers. Oh & they really could use a union. Let's see the CAW get their fat union dues from McDonalds workers

If my next vehicle is a Hyundai, I hold you all reponsible!

HEY, it feels good to rant once in awhile.
I hate to say it....

When I met my wife she had an 05 Kia Spectra. Its a 4 door, auto, 4 banger. She got it new and insisted on aluminum wheels and a rear fin. My first thought was... Um... I don't want us to have a Kia.

I started driving it around from time to time... This is my opinion.

..More than adequate power for the vehicle weight.

..Acceptable comfort and interior controls. (We did a 4000 mile round trip drive in it)

..All the options I need (power windows, AC, very acceptable stereo)

..A great warranty.

The only thing I didn't like, were the bargain basement tires that came on the car. It just didn't drive as well as I thought it could. I went and had the 195-60-15s (I think thats what they were, could have been 185s) changed out for a 205-55-15 mid level performance tire. This small change transformed the car.

It's really a good car that gets good MPGs and has a great warranty.
I myself work at Ford Oakville and gave up 40 hours vac. which I worked over 20 years to get,now they are taking another 40 hours away and also summer/christmas bonuses.I need to work for the government so I can get a 26% raise and a pension.

26% raise, good one :laughing: I work for the provincial government and 26% is about 20 years worth of raises, our contract is coming up in a year and we'll be getting zero, zero and zero over three years and probably loose some of the things we have. We've had many of those 0,0 and 0 contracts, a good one is 2,2 and 2. There's already talk of cutting our hours by 20%. Now the boys at the top, Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Premier, they just vote themselves whatever they want but that bears no resembalnce to the rest of us. I try not to believe everything I read or hear, for instance you're paid $20 an hour more than the Honda guys or you make $90 an hr with benefits, the first is more believable than the second but I really don't know.
I have driven nothing but Mopars for over 25 years. That being said, if Mopar goes down, it's because of greedy investors, greedy executives, greedy unions & workers with incredible benefits. [eg. summer bonuses, paid bithdays, cumulative sick pay, vehicle discounts, etc].

I'm glad I don't work there, or I'd be pissed at the comment about the workers. The workers account for 7% of the vehicle cost, thats it. I never once got a paid birthday, or summer bonus. The workers just gave concessions, but upper management are still receiving millions in bonuses and salary. As for unions, more companies should have them to raise everyone's standard of living.

The goverment , and CEO's of large companies are raping the middle class. They are creating more lower class.
I think it's high time that the taxpayer, because ultimitely they are the ones that will be on the hook for any money lost if one of the three goes belly up, is told in no certain terms what Chrysler, GM and Ford has planned for the future. What changes to their product lines are they going to impliment, eg. the shredding of some of thier product lines, to make sure that this money is not going to disappear. So far all we've heard is the the unions and management are making concessions well as far as I'm concerned this ain't going to cut it. It sounds like it's going to be business as usual and every 3 months one of the 3 will come to the government (THE TAXPAYER DAMIT) and ask or demand more money. WELL UNTIL THEY TELL THE TAXPAYER HOW THEY ARE GOING TO BECOME SUCSESSFUL I SAY SCREW EM. We didn't bail out the forest industry, the mining industry, the pulp and paper industry or the fishing industry to the tune that these (big 3) are asking for and therefore those industries were forced to change or disappear and some did but the majority leaned out and survived.

Yes I agree Woody.

And they are using the media as the tool to lay blame with. Yet the only ones to ever pay the price are the workers of the middle class/and working poor.

In this particular century,there are more millionairs/billionairs than ever. The gap between the rich and poor is at an all time high. And people still believe the media when they demonize the unions. And upper management still goes home with record bonuses/perks and never has to take a pay cut.

Then the govt hushes us up by telling us it could be worse.

We are being manipulated.
Demon, you're right about the bailout. I agree, but banks get the money with no strings attached, then they go party with it.

The workers only build what they are told to. We could see we were just building large gas guzzlers. The management needs to listen to what people want.

Needsaresto, correct:It's union busting now by the companies, and government. They want everybody making minimum wage.

We know the "fatcats" caused this economic nightmare.
I tend to have seen the big three as banks.
Chrysler announced some time agao that it will offer eligible U.S. hourly employees up to $100,000 to leave as part of the company’s plan to scale back its workforce and turn profitable by next year.
Chrysler’s annual report revealed Chrysler President and CEO Tom LaSorda received compensation of $3.175 million, including a $1.1-million bonus.
This is nuts in my eyes and part of the problem.
Where did Chrysler money go?
Bob Eaton $60,000,000
Daimler $10,000,000,000,000
Lasorda $15,000,000
Bob Nardelli $23,000,000
Dieter Zetcht $ 30,000,000