I met more members!!



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FABO Gold Member
Jan 8, 2006
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on the hill
The trip to West Plains sure turned out to be a good day NO RAIN !!!!
I meet dartgirl66 and yall know me :toothy10:I had to get a picture of this beautiful MoPar lady first :-D in the field of dreams At Small Block's Place looking for parts.

dartgirl66 Dart :thumbrig:


When we arrived dusterforever and I walk though all the dart's Duster's looking for a split bucket bench seat before Small block got there and I filled my pockets up :toothy10: Then he ask me to stand on some scales and I emptied my pockets :-D he he
Here is the FABO crew signing the trailer





Arkansas is being good to dusterforever, We had a great day completing his search for his bucket back seats And there is a car show two blocks away Saturday to enjoy before he heads back home to Texas.

I hope he don't mind me showing of his car hear in this thead Na I will let him jump in here and show it.
Nothing better then a cold one and meeting good folks

I am hoping some of the crew will share some pictures they took.
I did not get a picture of dusterforever nice seat he got :axe:
Take a picture of your seat and car when you get a chance Tim and share it with us :-D.
Time for a shower and a Rum and diet Coke.
Thank you Small Block for the time you took away from work and the tool's we used today.
Thanks for the comments guys! Those pics turned out better than what I thought they would! My whole family is Mopar people, but they are into E Bodies for the most part. But as of today, its confirmed my previous thought... It doesn't matter where you go, Mopar people are always hospitable and ready to talk cars and help you out whereever possible. Oh and I might add that I have NEVER seen soo many A bodies in one place! Lol.. You should have seen my face light up when I first got out of the truck. :D
Glad to have all of you today Mike. There were 7 FABO members here today counting Freelowder. He showed up after you guys left and brought be a beer can chicken be cooked on the grill. You guys are welcome anytime. Mike i still have your shifter handle for safe keeping.
Small Block
Thanks for the comments guys! Those pics turned out better than what I thought they would! My whole family is Mopar people, but they are into E Bodies for the most part. But as of today, its confirmed my previous thought... It doesn't matter where you go, Mopar people are always hospitable and ready to talk cars and help you out whereever possible. Oh and I might add that I have NEVER seen soo many A bodies in one place! Lol.. You should have seen my face light up when I first got out of the truck. :D
Welcome to this great site dartgirl66 :cheers: Small Block has a bunch of them don't he, I could set a tent up and a parts list for sale and make a bunch of folks happy.
My son is trying to make a deal on this 66 dart

Memike you lucky dog getting your picture taken with that sweet little lady...lol Looks like you all had a great time..
You know me dartcuda :-D a pretty girl looking for MoPar parts and a smile I have got to say hello :-D She is a sweet young MoPar lady. I hope here husband don't get to jealous when I had to get a picture with may arms around her smiling with a true MoPar girl. There are not to many times you get to meet one. :-D
If y'all get it you'll have to give me a holler and let me come see it. You're just a little bit closer than what Small Block is. We go to Jonesboro pretty regularly, I only live like 15 miles from the State Line. How old is your son? I've had my Dart since I was 13, my uncle just handed the title over to me one day... Ungummed the carb, put some fresh gas and oil in it, and it started right up.. I drove it to school every day in high school.. lol.
You know me dartcuda :-D a pretty girl looking for MoPar parts and a smile I have got to say hello :-D She is a sweet young MoPar lady. I hope here husband don't get to jealous when I had to get a picture with may arms around her smiling with a true MoPar girl. There are not to many times you get to meet one. :-D

Lol.. I'm sure you don't have to worry about that.. This is the LAST site you would see him visiting.. Don't ya remember.. he put a 350 in his Jeep.. Dumb Chevy boy.. :violent1:
All right now is the time to chime in with the tick count:
How many:
Creed is 26 years old and has been racing dirt track dartgirl66.
He used my 66 valiant all day and has it bad know
He can't wait to strike a deal to get it home.
As soon as he douse I will give you and everyone here a shout

Creed on the four wheeler about to years ago and the first picture of his dirt track car

bbbb4 077.jpg

All right now is the time to chime in with the tick count:
How many:
I can say Just one, But I wiped a dryer sheet all over my clothes before I left out and the tick's hang close to tree's so I would think he don't have very many around the cars.
Looks like a good ol time had by all!Great pics Memike,also that,s a sweet ride there Dartgirl66!
It sure was Pettybludart, dusterforever called me a month ago and said he will be in my area and he needed to find a seat for his VERY NICE Duster and I made a plan and small Block came though for us, Mission completed :cheers:
Lol.. I'm sure you don't have to worry about that.. This is the LAST site you would see him visiting.. Don't ya remember.. he put a 350 in his Jeep.. Dumb Chevy boy.. :violent1:

:toothy10: That's right we did talk about that :toothy10:
I am sure you seen my 66
