For A Bodies User Name

Ever seen anybody wheelie a harley wide glide with ape hangers?

Picture 313 (Medium).jpg

Picture 236 (Medium).jpg
I had been out of the hobby for a long time so I first started to use the name "Long time gone" but I thought it would bring up the Led Zeppelin song of the same name, so I dropped the "time" part and just went with Longgone, perfect for a quick Mopar.
I have been working on my dart for about a year and every time I get one thing worked out another comes up so i have concluded that the car has a mind of its own and it likes to change it a lot so "shifty" seemed appropriate and the extra i well that was a typo and I ran with it
I had been out of the hobby for a long time so I first started to use the name "Long time gone" but I thought it would bring up the Led Zeppelin song of the same name, so I dropped the "time" part and just went with Longgone, perfect for a quick Mopar.

I always thought your name & avitar pretty much summed it up!! LOL!!8)
Especally the burnout marks!
I lost my father, and my father in law in the same year (2006). The name of my fathers racecar's (all of them) was Alley Oop (picture below) and my father in laws initials are MGV(Maurice G. Vorwald). I loved them both, and I still miss them. I'ts like my little tribute to them both.

I lost my father, and my father in law in the same year (2006). The name of my fathers racecar's (all of them) was Alley Oop (picture below) and my father in laws initials are MGV(Maurice G. Vorwald). I loved them both, and I still miss them. I'ts like my little tribute to them both.

Nice tribute there.....I'm sure they're both proudly watchin....:thumbup:
My Prowler

started using it years ago for a screen name and try on all site i got to


The guy that painted the car was about an hour away so I would call to check on progress. Dave (the painter ) would always respond when I ask how it looked "WILD" and I would ask again what it really was looking like and his response would be "WILD" again. So it is my WildCat and I started using it as a screen name

Not a good story but just a name that stuck

When I was younger I loved "Jolt Cola" and my friends use to say (in your best stoner voice) "hey man you sure do love that jolt cola". Then my nickname was bore "JOLTMAN"

Needed an email name and since joltman was taken and I seem to take my life to the extreme Megajoltman was born.ya boring I know.....

Some of my stuff:




Old chevs that I built




Well.... it all started with a '71 Demon i owned back in 1981. I was looking for parts for it and ended up buying all of the Dart parts cars i could find, they were cheap back then. Somebody was talking to me at the bar with a car for sale, and one of my friends said "he'll buy it he's a Dartnut" and i guess it stuck with me.I still have a lot of 'em to this day. I also saved a lot of them from being crushed back in the day.
My Duster's a 1973 model, so that came easy. The 47 came from firstly the number of the first racecar I ever worked on, a late model sportsman stock car one of my dad's friends owned and drove. I worked on it the first time when I was 4, checking tire pressure before each time it went on track. Also used #47 when I played baseball, so it's kinda become a lucky number of sorts for me.
Scoot is a family nickname I've had since for as long as I can remember, and 439 is because AOL said I was the 439th person to try to use Scoot as a screen name 16 years ago.
My cars engine has allways been a rather stout engine in one form or another. Hence;


OH, My car is a Cuda, hence;


Powered by a


Though not an A body, this car I have owned since I'm 20 and I'm 43 now. Best $600 I ever spent. It was a 340 4spd car, but I never got the 340.

OH, I just thought about it, what IS your name?

My name is Anna. Now you know mine what is yours.
Well, I just thought about my license plate and the make of my car.

I agree, great thread ABodyBetty and I didn't know that wasn't your real name...LOL :smile:

My real name is Anna. I was going to use BamaAnna because I am originally from Alabama but wanted somethin different. So the other half came up with ABodyBetty. He knows how I like all the pin-up styles hair and photos.
"ramenth" is something I've used in one form or the other in email addies, forums, etc. It's actually taken the names Ramoth and Mnementh, the main Gold and Bronze dragon characters from Anne McCaffrey's "Dragon Riders of Pern" series and added them together, sort of in homage. As for why I would be paying homage to these two characters, maybe one day you'll all be able to find out...
BPWordman- 1st two letters, my first and last initials (ironically, my middle initial is W); the rest a nickname. Many years ago, I was in a small local car club. We were planning a first time car show/flea market, and one fella drew up a rough draft flier. It was asked if anybody could clean it up. I went through it in about 10 minutes and put a shine on it. One of the guys who didn't know me very well said "What are you, an english teacher? Your some kinda wordman!", and it stuck. Add to that the narrative character's handle in "Eddie and the Cruisers", and I carry it proudly on all my sites.:read2:
Had my dart for 15 years and never raced it till my buddy and my wife bought me a 360 for Christmas. First time out I went 4 rounds at Englishtown(mostly luck) and was bitten by the drag bug bad. Loved Speed Racer as a kid and big brother X was cool. Took his name kinda pokin fun at myself. Great thread!
I swayed gently from my A body roots, with a 70 Challenger, (Still have it in the garage) S-10's, GMC Typhoon, etc.
In the end I decided I was going back to my A body roots.

I was going back-to-basics.