Wives/Girlfriends = Car Women

How many of you have wives/girlfriends/significant other who works on cars?

  • Yup my wife/girlfriend/significant other stands by me and is a willing mechanic.

    Votes: 29 20.1%
  • My wife/girlfriend/boyfriend helps now and then.

    Votes: 54 37.5%
  • Nope I get zero support or help

    Votes: 61 42.4%

  • Total voters
In reading the replies and comparing them to the poll results so far, I think it's pretty sad that most don't have support / help from the ladies in your life.

I realize for some the garage is an escape zone ... but also realize those girls are missing out on so much: learning something new, spending quality time with their man, making something better or faster with their own hands, and having that awesome feeling of pride and accomplishment when you step back and look at what you've done. Sure, ya get dirty -- but it comes off. Dawn isn't just for dishes. :-D

On the flip side, I've had a few boyfriends over the years who weren't into cars and weren't interested in learning how to help with mine, and something was just missing in those relationships. Having hobbies your partner isn't interested in is also healthy to some degree, but when cars are such an important part of your life you don't think of it as just a hobby. I'm glad I've got a car guy and probably wouldn't have it any other way. :-D
Unfortunately I don't have any better half or girlfriend(for now)to help out. For the most part I do most simple work myself when and if I can.
I didn't vote. My wife doesn't help me very often, and if she does, it's cleaning the cars/trucks. She does support me though.
My wife doesn't like to help me, but she still will sometimes. It's mine own fault; I got mad and yelled at her once while she was helping me. I can't remember what I was doing, but I remember I was holding way too much weight and needed her to do something while I was holding it. When she wasn't doing what I needed her to do correctly, I yelled at her. I appologized later, but that doesn't do much good after you blow up at someone.
My wife helps if I ask her to. Mainly just when your dropping in another engine and you need someone to operate the hoist while your guiding the block in.

Dropped the motor in my Dart in by my self and when I was done and came in the house and told her, she said why didn't you call me. I could have helped ya.
My wife not only helps she got me back into cars again. I had sold my1970 cuda when we had our 1st girl cause things were tight. I also had a Harley softail 2002. I kept the bike. Two years later and another beautiful daughter I had to sell the bike. Never regretted any of it. Fast forward 3 years to fathers day last year and she is secretly talking to my friends and coworkers for months before to find out I've been dreaming of a mid 60 valiant convertible. Well that's what I got for fathers day last year. She helps with anything I need and the girls love to go for a ride in daddys blue car with no top.
In reading the replies and comparing them to the poll results so far, I think it's pretty sad that most don't have support / help from the ladies in your life.

I realize for some the garage is an escape zone ... but also realize those girls are missing out on so much: learning something new, spending quality time with their man, making something better or faster with their own hands, and having that awesome feeling of pride and accomplishment when you step back and look at what you've done. Sure, ya get dirty -- but it comes off. Dawn isn't just for dishes. :-D

My wife is very supportive of my hobby and has made numerous suggestions to help with my cars progress. She just does not want to be in the garage to help. The garage is my oaisis in a house of 3 daughters and 3 nutered animals and I think she understands that no matter what I'm doing there, its my time for me.

It does sting a little after a day of working on the car or welding and grinding on some project, that she will come down and check on me and I try to get close for a smooch and I get "Ewww, you smell like car!"

I stand back and proudly proclaim, "Yes! Yes I do!" 8-)
My wife is not mechanically inclined thus not much help from her in that respect. but she has occasionally run to get parts at the parts store for me and also has lent a foot on brake bleeding. She is 100% behind me on spending cash on the car although and this is always OK with me!!!!!!
My wife isn't into the shop part of it, but goes to the shows and cruse ins with me if I ask her. If the guys are going, so doesn't want to be out of place and stays home. I told her I was going to PA for a show in July and would be gone for three days. All she said was do you want me to go or are the guys going?

She is also very supportive with me spending money. She said she doesn't care what I spend as long as her lifestyle doesn't change.(which involes eating fastfood once a week. Shes very low maintence) I told her yesterday I found a 1970 Road Runner I wanted. All she asked is are you going to get it? She's so great!
My wife doesn't do anything car wise. She does put up with my parts buying and that is a whole lot lately. I can't believe what has been showing up on eBag lately and a lot of it has been fairly cheap.
Well, I have not really asked my wife for help. But I know if I needed it she would help a little. Not sure how dirty and greasey she would get. She does come out and keep me company once in a while. But then she changes the TV to Life Time while I am trying to "listen" to Pass Time":toothy10:
She will help me if I need a hand, but I don't expect her to put on the coveralls and get all dirty.
It's really not her thing, but she will work on a garden or do yardwork all day, but cars are just not her for her.
My wife loves to clean stuff. Not much of a wrench, but will always take time to lend a quick hand. The thing I really love about her is that she's gotten into motorcycles (rides her own now) and cars since we met. If I ever get the Barracuda done I'll then be looking for something from tyhe late 30's with suicide doors. Yeppers -- she likes the gangster looking cars.
My wife is pretty supportive when it comes to my rides... She has no interest of her own, but will help if I ask her to "hold this, or push here". That being said she always asks "what's next" and when I am gonna spend time in the garage again... She sometimes even says stuff like, we need a new rug, but you should buy some car stuff before we get something for the house... YES!
My wife has absolutely no interest in cars, car shows, etc, and spends most of her free time doing volunteer work of one type of another.

On the other hand, she never objects when I buy a car or parts, and doesnt expect me to ask her permission.
My wife used to do her own tune-ups and lubes. She just bought a new Challenger, so the dealer is taking over for her. She does bring me beer and sandwiches(yes, bacon) when I'm in the shop.
My wife says she will help if needed but it is easier to get my eight year old out in the garage than to wait for her. Besides my girls love going out to the garage with me and always ask if they can help, or they are asking the ussual (what's that?) questions. My eight year old accually just finished helping me put a laminate floor in the laundry room, so you could say she is daddy's girl .
She will help me if I need a hand, but I don't expect her to put on the coveralls and get all dirty.
I like it when the wife puts on the coveralls, I just don't seem to get much work done on the cars though..............
I'm sure my wife would help me if I asked. She helped me side the house and
install doors and windows. She waxes her own car too and cuts the grass when I'm busy. It's even been cut before I get home from work and that's after she's worked her 8 hr day.
Why? My car isn't in the kitchen or the bedroom. :toothy10:

lol nice. my girl likes that i work on them and love them lol... for now. she has learned to solder and lil stuff but for the most part its just me lol. im gonna teach her to weld and bead blast cuz i know she will have fun with that lol