Recent content by Gyro

  1. Gyro

    Diameter size of front sway bar on '65 Belvedere I?

    I'm ordering a front end kit for my Belvedere and it is asking for the front sway bar size including the diameter. I guess I will have to measure it before ordering. Thanks for the input guys!
  2. Gyro

    Diameter size of front sway bar on '65 Belvedere I?

    I guess I had better measure it LOL
  3. Gyro

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Amen to that.
  4. Gyro

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    I do work at a healthcare facility, just not in patient care.
  5. Gyro

    Diameter size of front sway bar on '65 Belvedere I?

    I am not near the car at the moment, but if anyone were to guess, what would be the diameter size of the front sway bar on a '65 Belvedere I be....... 1 1/8"? Thanks!
  6. Gyro

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    How about us that are still grinding at work? lol
  7. Gyro

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Good morning. Been a while since I've been on here. Hope everyone is doing well and staying safe.
  8. Gyro

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Good morning everyone! Hope everyone has a very merry Christmas. Hope everyone is able to spend the holidays with loved ones and that we never take time with them for granted. Also let us keep our troops deployed all over the world in our thoughts and prayers. Merry Chirstmas! Gyro Saltillo, MS
  9. Gyro

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Ooops! Guess I didn't mention that I am off on Fridays :)
  10. Gyro

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Good Friday morning! Hot damn, the weekend is here!!!
  11. Gyro

    caught a thief on my trail cam

    That was a hell of a play-by-play there LOL
  12. Gyro

    caught a thief on my trail cam

    I know a lot of people that can do that sort of trick, but it's usually someone else's ***.
  13. Gyro

    caught a thief on my trail cam

  14. Gyro

    caught a thief on my trail cam

    Yeah, it's a Great Blue Heron and it's protected. So much for shooting it and getting the bass LOL
  15. Gyro

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Good morning folks! I'm going to start my day off by buying a stranger a cup of coffee at the coffee shop. Who knows, it may make someone's day better. Hope everyone has a good one.