Recent content by MMRJR

  1. MMRJR

    Ever collide with a deer?

    Ever had to deal with the insurance company after hitting a deer?
  2. MMRJR

    Gotta Love This Guys Sense of Humor

    I think this guy could very well become my newest best friend!!!
  3. MMRJR

    Common Sense

  4. MMRJR

    Best Joke This Week

  5. MMRJR

    In honor of Memorial Day........

    I post this every year to remind myself and others of why we celebrate Memorial Day. Thanks to Food City for the best commercial ever...
  6. MMRJR

    Witness Protection Program

    OK, I admit I have a really warped sense of humor, but is this a hoot or what?
  7. MMRJR

    Ventriloquist Joke

    I don't think this one has ever been posted here, Enjoy.... A ventriloquist walked up to a A ventriloquist walked up to an Indian and said "I'll bet I can make your horse talk." Indian: "Horse no talk." Ventriloquist: "Sure watch this. Hi horse. How does you master treat you?" Horse: "Oh, he...
  8. MMRJR

    Rockabilly Jive Dance

    Gotta love that some can still dance like this.....
  9. MMRJR

    Help With Paint Color?

    I am looking at a Duster for sale on Ebay, and the seller has described the color as Hemi Orange, and the car looks to be orange in the photos. I have attached a photo of the body tag and the paint code is FE5, which I believe is Rally Red? Can you help me determine which color is the factory...
  10. MMRJR

    College Degree

  11. MMRJR

    Therapy Dog

    This is what my therapy dog looks like after I have unloaded all of my problems.....
  12. MMRJR

    Pre Flight Prep
