Cleaning Rubber Windshield Gaskets



Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2010
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Scarborough, Qld
I know there is a lot of elbow grease involved in cleaning them however is there a product that will help removing all the old goop.
Go-Jo works great, get the smooth kind with Lanolin. Nice hands afterwords too......Goo-Gone would probably work on just about anything sticky.
I use Gulf Start charcoal lighting fluid ( no smoking ). Seemed to work better than basic mineral spirits or anything else I tried. I made a taped fluted tool from a plastic tent stake to dig the heavy stuff out. with Lots of old rags. I reach a point when a rag doesn't pick up any more black. A good 4 hours per gasket.
Went looking for products suggested and came up with this stuff. I went over the whole outside of seal in 15 minutes and it cleaned it up nice. Will attack the inside of seal tomorrow. Smells nasty but is effective.

goof off.jpg
I've tried several things, but found lacquer thinner works best on the ones I cleaned. Solvent proof rubber gloves are mandatory unless you are willing to put up with stained hands until it wears off.
Are new ones unobtainable, or super-expensive? It might be a better use of time just to replace the gaskets instead of cleaning them... then they're new and flexible, too.

Or were you just cleaning the ones that are on the car already?
You would be surprised by how flexible a cleaned one is after shedding that outer layer of dry, hardened crap.