Well fu@# me



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Been seeing a neurosurgeons PA. She was sure that the doc would be fusing l4-l5-s1. Met the doc today. Talked for a few minutes. Asked me what I was looking for. Tols him I want off the drugs. He said IF he did the surgeey I would end up on the failed side of it. My disc herniated right in the center. He said when this happens a fusion does nada for the pain. He also noticed that the disc above the tore up crap is slipping, said if he fused the lower area it will place a lot of stress on the area above it...only safe thing to do would be to fuse from l3 to s1...and he said he simply will not do it because it will do nothing for my pain....except potentially make it worse.
He did say there are surgeons in town that would gladly fuse the whole thing but in addition to the increase in pain I will lose most of my lumbar mobility.
He thinks that a spinal cord stimulator will help me. He is referring me out to the doc that has a lot of success with the stimulator.
So effing tired of hurting. So effing tired of being on Dopioids.
Really beginning to wonder when one crosses the line...from being dependent to being an addict....
Damn ink. That's not good. I suspect those who don't have chronic pain have no clue what it's like. It's bad.

I hope you find some relief.
Sorry for the pain IJ, got a few of my own.
But at 140 years old it could be worse right?
If the PKs work takem
I know exactly where you are at. I went through the microdiscectomy that failed miserably, then onto the fusion. The fusion helped with shooting pains, but nothing for the nerve damage and now intense new pains.
I was on the oxy for about 16 months, along with nerve meds. The doctor forced me off the opiates, which was miserable for a couple weeks. Now, I just live with the pain, and take 800 mg Motrin tabs. They suggested the stimulator, but I really don’t want the knife again. Good luck on whatever you do. Also, I wear a 5% lidocaine patch at night that helps.
that's rough, but good for the doc trying to actually help you. i'm no where near bad as you, but i have a serious back pain every day and know how it feels when something moves in the wrong way. been dropped to the ground a few times by it. good luck
The PT for my back ailment was a big fail. Marlena the Tormentor suggested a follow up with my GP to choose another path. The brief experience I had with Oxysumthin when my knee grenaded taught me that Oxy is not for me. The knee still hurt, I just didn't care/mind that it still hurt.
It was recommended to me to have a stimulator implanted in my body after back surgery. From what I was told by my pain doc that I could try it externally for a week to see if it works. I haven't done it yet but maybe soon. Just had 10 nerve roots burned in August.
I would try it if I were you because the drugs will take away your identity eventually. Your family will suffer as you deteriorate mentally.
I had the Spinal Cord Stimulator put in my back for over a month now, that SumBitch works good. I have almost weaned myself off the Morphine and Oxy's along with all the other meds, I was in pain since the 80's. I'm a new Man! And yes you do try it for a week taped to your'e back, Do it, you have nothing to lose, a lot to gain.

Inkjunkie, if you would like to, PM me and I can do my best to tell you how the whole procedure went for me.

That surgery requires a team of doctors. After 5 surgeries on L-5 and S-1 my surgeon told me I needed fusion from the sacrum to L-3. He referred me and after a 6 1/2 hour operation it was done.I can touch my toes if needed. I have enough flexibility to get around and never need drugs.
Ask for a referral and get another opinion.
I've got out of the truck and made it half way to the front door and dropped on to the ground from back pain. Yelled for the wife to help me in the house..
I'd try a different doctor...
Do you have an inversion table? I strongly suggest you get one that will at least put you on a 45° angle if not turn you completely upside down to remove pressure off the disks. I would use it two or three times a day for 15 minutes at least if not for 30 minutes. Also, I don’t know how heavy you are but any extra weight is always bad on the back. I’ve broken my back and have some natural fusions and disk herniations And don’t take any painkillers.
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If you would be interested in an inversion table I will send you mine for free. If you want it I will post a photo, It's a pretty nice one. I know what back pain is and how it can ruin a persons life, now that I'm doing better it's hard to believe I lived all them years being miserable. The one problem I have right now is I have no car, I'm depending on my son and daughter in law to get me around so it might take awhile to get it to you.

Good on you Jeff for offering the table! I too am in need for "something" for my back. 20+ years of nonsense. Occassionally I take Oxycocet and diclofenac. They work ok. Diclofenac is an anti inflammatory that works pretty good for me. Those inversion tables are pretty pricey up here. Jeff can you post a link of yours? 1st hand reviews are always good.
All the best Doug.
If you would be interested in an inversion table I will send you mine for free. If you want it I will post a photo, It's a pretty nice one. I know what back pain is and how it can ruin a persons life, now that I'm doing better it's hard to believe I lived all them years being miserable. The one problem I have right now is I have no car, I'm depending on my son and daughter in law to get me around so it might take awhile to get it to you.

My Wife has degenerative Disc disease and has had 2 neck surgeries and 5 lower back surgeries. She had a stimulator installed in 2003 with moderate success.Enough to at least make it tolerable. After 8 years it wouldn't take a charge any more and they wanted $ 45,000 to replace it which was not covered by the insurance we had at the time. She now gets by with a lot of ibuprophen and bio-feedback.She has a strong faith in God and a very high pain tolerance. She said she would have it installed again but is too old and tired of being cut on. I'm sure technology has come a long way since 2003. Good Luck with whatever you decide to do.