Retractable work light doesn't retract



Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2011
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
Has anyone here had any luck repairing one of these? It's spring loaded, and in the past, I've cleaned it real well which helped some. Now, it just won't retract all the way - about 8 feet remains out of the reel.
Is there a way to tighten up the spring, or is this junk now?
Usually the spring breaks. Take it apart but it will probably end up in the trash.
Not to be a horse's ***, but assuming there's enough cord that does retract into the spool to meet your needs, maybe just cut the last 8' off and call it good?
trick is the 5th screw that sets the clockspring. Its like an AVS secondary door!

Some times my HF retractible extension cord does the same thing. I have found that pulling it all the way out and carefully letting it retract forcing it to wind side to side gives some extra room inside and the rest will fit in too.
Some times my HF retractible extension cord does the same thing. I have found that pulling it all the way out and carefully letting it retract forcing it to wind side to side gives some extra room inside and the rest will fit in too.
Yep, 2 possibilities. This above where cord is stacking wrong and won't fit can usually be resolved by how it feeds in. Or is it out of spring tension at that point? If that, it is either weak, or lost position. Then it depends if you can get it to wind up tighter. I would guess that is gonna vary between makes whether it can be saved...I'd certainly open it and check before giving up on it. I opened one up and it had rotary contacts that were about shot anyway so scrapped it.
After about 45 min messing with it, I've declared it FUBAR. Spring was ineffective, and could not be wound.
Thanks for the feedback guys!
about 45 min messing with it, I've declared it FUBAR. Spring was ineffective, and could not be wound.
Thanks for the feedback guys

Tim Taylor it!!!!

Add a motor to wind the cord up, 2 HP ought to do it.