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  1. 1

    Respectfully request advice as newly divorced dad

    Sorry to hear that you are going thru this. Having gone thru this before myself, I'll echo most everyone else's comments in here, get a lawyer. Ask your friends, interview a couple, find one that works for you, and tells you the real deal, not some happy bullshit. This is going to be a fight...
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    We are in the infancy of this pandemic. It is going to get worse, much worse, before it gets better. Almost all of the projects that I oversee went to online only meetings a couple of weeks ago. My family is hunkered down and limiting trips to necessity only. My job is to protect my family...
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    As Hospitals become overwhelmed with patients, everyday emergencies (heart attacks, etc.) that would normally be treated in the ER will become fatalities. They won't count in the COVID-19 death toll but make no mistake they are a result of it.
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    Galvanized Steel Roof Panel Vs. Power Lines?

    So, I'll start by saying that this is definitely a less than ideal installation. However, that's AL-triplex wiring and the insulation is some pretty tough stuff, you need a good skinning knife to trim it. Under the correct circumstances you can handle that wire bare handed (not recommended but...
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    Buying property tips?

    Get the tax parcel number, go to the county planning and permit department and have them go thru everything they can with you. You need to make sure that it is a certified lot (allows you to actually build a house on it), just because it's got it's own parcel number doesn't mean you can...
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    Sometimes one just gets lucky beyond belief

    Move your clamps to the ends of the accumulator, that's how the Moroso instructions show it. Mines locked into a place with a C clip into a groove and the instructions were to place the mounting clamp on the outside of the groove.
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    What should I do?

    ...have been in the 90-100 hour range. Your skills will translate to a variety of employers, and everyone is looking for people that know their sh*t. You're not going to get the same amount of work done if you're hurting, and being miserable at work starts to affect your attitude and your product.
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    RIP Tony Gwynn

    Interesting stat on the radio this morning about him. Had he continued to play, he could've gone 0 for his next 1200 and his average would still be above .300
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    Going with my HAWKS!!
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    OSHA Lockout/Tagout Training

    I am an electrician by trade. I depend on LOTO to keep me alive. Our company policy is everyone working on it has a lock on the "tree" and has their own key, there are no spare keys. Everyone signs off before you light up a line. I have had to drive to guy's houses before to drag them in to...
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    Bridge collapsed near me

    This bridge is about 10 miles from my house. My wife and kids drove over it about 20 minutes before it collapsed and my brother in law passed the truck that hit the bridge about 5 miles north of the bridge. Local news was talking right after the collapse about tracking down the oversize load...
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    When parts walk away......

    Sure fire way for me to find something is to order another one.
  13. 1

    Okc thunder fans?

    As a former Sonics fan, couldn't be happier to see Clay Bennett's team to be out of the playoffs. Anyone see a conflict of interest that the head of the relocation committee happens to be the one that has to pay the City of Seattle 45 million if we were to get a team within 5 years of him...
  14. 1

    Feds want to lower DUI to .05

    ...of whoever is blowing in the tube, as I witnessed a lady have her roughly 12 year old daughter blow into it in traffic once (I called the cops on that dumb b*tch). It should be mandatory that the device is logged in to the authorities at least once a week or the car won't start until it is.
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    Sciatica and pain Dam Back .. Help

    You really should look into an inversion table. I have issues at L4 and L5 from a car accident years ago that cause debilitating sciatica. The first doctor that I saw wanted to do surgery, but I was 18 and surgery didn't seem like that great of an idea to me. I saw a chiropractor for about 2...
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    TD Canada Trust Bank stole from me - what would you do?

    Dan, In a situation like this, I prefer to let my money do the talking. Once they cut your check and make you whole, empty the accounts and move on. When the banking system ate itself, all of my money left Wells Fargo and went to a local credit union. Now, I'll be the first to admit that the...
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    Heating a house....

    I recently added a 1200 sq ft addition over my garage and had a company come in and spray foam insulate it. I have a natural gas fired boiler with in floor radiant heat. I went from 2300 to 3500 sq ft and spray foamed all of the open walls. My heating bill has been within $5 of the previous...
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    Got ripped off today.

    I have had the unfortunate luck of having this happen on multiple jobsites multiple times. The cops don't care, I have had two of them on camera, with license plates and nothing. I do electrical infrastructure, our flatbeds are loaded up with about 25k in tools, generators, etc. In 10 years...
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    Idiots invading my space!!!!!

    I keyed some *** hats car once. Came out of the grocery store to pretty much the same scene, parked off at the end of a row, a dozen empty spots next to him. About 20' away I can see the red paint from his car on my passenger door (I always back in). I took my house key and made a 12" long...
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    It's finally happened

    Years ago, when I owned a detail shop, I got a call from a local dealership that wasn't one of my normal clients, they had a brand new Saturn that just needed an interior detail. I was hoping to pick up some extra business so I told them to bring it on over and we would get right on it. When...
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    energy drink reviews

    Green monsters for daily use. 5 hour energy for double shifting
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    Another officer struck :(

    I am not a law enforcement officer, but i do highway road construction, sometimes at night. We are required to wear reflective high vis clothing head to toe, as well as reflectors on our hard hats. I can tell you from experience, the drunks zero in on that **** and "lock on" if you will. Between...
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    Goodbye, Sarah

    Sorry to hear of your loss. May peace and comfort find its way to all whose life she touched. Jason
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    anyone else a slave to the big man?

    My boss asked me to think about going salary, I told him $250K/yr and 4 weeks vacation...........I'm still hourly :D
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    Safety Gear...Maybe?

    The process of natural selection just fired a warning shot over his bow
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    MUST READ THREAD...Wow,...Never really saw It like this, but,...Watch this Clip..

    The truth hurts. Too many people can't handle being hurt so they stick there head in the damn sand and pretend not to see it. Cuz if you don't see it it doesn't exist right! I'm not that old but my parents raised me to take care of my damn self and not depend on someone else to handle my...
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    4 out of 5 stars and new cars still blow up on impact

    That tree better lawyer up
  28. 1

    Labor Lawyers Advice?

    Unfortunately, this is one of the few situations where being a union member may have helped you. If you could prove that he cleaned out all of the female employees and replaced them with male you might have a shot. I think that your best bet would be to start shopping her skills and contacts...
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    Any Mortgage/Foreclosure gurus?

    I have a similar situation. My wife bought a house before we started dating and I built mine before we met. She closed on hers about 2 months before the market took a dump and I ended up rolling another property that I bought into my own mortgage so I don't have any wiggle room on my mortgage...
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    Boeing 787 Dreamliner

    I was doing runway improvements at Paine Field when the 787 was doing power up test runs on the main runway and then got to watch the maiden take off from the hill behind the taxiway with the airport and Boeing employees. Way cool to watch the wings load up and flex before the plane leaves the...