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  1. orangecrush

    Hernia surgery - takin' a break ....

    Had it Thursday (not laparoscopic) - just walked out to the garage (nice and slow) to let the Darts know I'll be back soon. Anybody else had this done (inguinal) how long before I can torque my nuts :) ?
  2. orangecrush

    Check this out!!! I'm gonna do this to mine!

    Let's see - which do you prefer, real deal 50's Buick .......... or a Navigator. Crap like this tells alot about the owners, perceived (or actual) deduction of IQ points and the 97% chance that your taxes helped pay for 'em along with the Little Debbie cakes and beer they're wheelin out to the...
  3. orangecrush

    Post pics of your Duster please...

    I'd like to go black as well but don't know if I could get it straight enough - I heard they're a pain to keep up, too.
  4. orangecrush

    What a monster ....

    That ain't normal - gotta be revving to 20 grand near the end - F1 is high tech stuff and in a league of it's own, wow.
  5. orangecrush

    Well, another reason to skip Wal-Mart

    "Yep, except that she doesn't yap. It's the little screaming rug rats in public that get me. "The Breeders" as they might be called. (Hey that's a good name for a punk group), What ever happened to "children should be seen and not heard". Must be showing my age. Uh Oh." This sums it all up...
  6. orangecrush

    Engine Bay color help

    It's your call but I agree with this post ... asking other's opinions will only confuse you more. Either you do what you want to do, or live by other's opinions. Lead or follow ? Rebel or robot ? People or sheeple ? Just kidding, I'm just as guilty - can't ever make up my mind!
  7. orangecrush

    Does anybody remember this TV show?

    Lippy the Lion and Hardy Har Har - Snagglepuss ( "exit - stage right") - Quickdraw Mcgraw ("hey Queekstraw" and"el Kabongggg") - What about the Wacky Races !
  8. orangecrush

    one of around fifty ever produced ?

    I'm still learning A-bodies - but is this the real deal ? If not - someone should set the guy straight.
  9. orangecrush

    Palin - McCain

    Coulter can be mean , true. How accurate are the sources for your quotes or are they simple cut and pastes from some blog sight ? Again - she can be a loose cannon and I'm not a big fan, regardless.
  10. orangecrush

    Obama - Biden

    Pro-life, pro-gun, pro-drilling and pro-tax cuts. I happen to take the same stance on these issues, so of course I'll vote for them. I don't vote party, I vote issues. Pretty simple for a simple minded, small town, religious gun-hugger (or so I've been called).
  11. orangecrush

    Palin - McCain

    Hmmm .... noticed since my post (#1) no Obama supporter has chimed in and my question's still not answered. Why will you be voting for him and based on what accomplishments ? Could you please answer this question without bashing the current administration (which we already know has their issues)...
  12. orangecrush

    Palin - McCain

    I don't know .... seems like she's got her act together to me. First time in my lifetime we could have a nearly "regular" American in Washington - I feel like she'd be more of a voice for us than any of the other elitists ... then again, I could be wrong. They're all out of touch as far as I'm...
  13. orangecrush

    Sad News Jerry R.

    You guys remember the "song 'bout cigarettes" (Another Puff), probably '73 or '74. Funny. He was cool even to me as a teen.