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  1. mullinax95

    I got gas...

    .... gauge blues! Sorry tech question! I got my new Autometer MCX series gas gauge installed and of course it isn't reading correctly with the amount of fuel in the tank. The gauge comes with a sending unit but it is the type that needs to be installed vertically. The sending unit reads...
  2. mullinax95

    Tripping Tachometer?

    I just install a new Auto Meter tach that I got from Summit for my car and I can't get it to work. The light comes on, the tach needle zeros out when I cut the switch on, but after I start the car the tach needle sits there. I've connected the signal wire to the negative side of the coil and to...
  3. mullinax95


    Well not to long ago I did the amp gauge bypass and upgraded my entire charging system with a higher output alternator. So the stock amp gauge on the dash was useless. And for some reason my stock temperature gauge would always read right under the H even though the motor wasn't that hot. The...
  4. mullinax95

    alternator upgrade question

    I have recently installed the 70 version charging system with the constant output alternator on my 67 Barracuda. I did the ammeter bypass upgrade also that I found using this site by and everything has been soldered and heat shrinked. The question I have is I had Accel 300+...
  5. mullinax95

    Turn signals just stoped working?

    My turn signals just stop working for some reason. I checked the bulbs and all seem fine. The front park lights work, rear park lights work, brake lights work, and the flasher works on all four corners. When the flasher is working both turn signal lights in the dash blink off and on. Anyone...