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  1. pauls340

    What are these four yellow wires for under dash?

    Years ago I bought a new main wire harness for my '71 Demon 340 with a Rallye dash. I've never found where these yellow wires with the V shaped connector goes to. Any ideas? Thanks
  2. pauls340

    How does the Rallye Dash Tach hookup?

    I have two wires on the back of an indash rallye tach, gray goes to coil side neg but where does the blue blade electrode go? Does it connect to the fuse block 3A INST LPS dual connect on the back side of the block, pic?
  3. pauls340

    Where to buy electrical connectors

    I am in need of the Abody Rallye Dash tach wire with the 90degree connector that goes to the fuseblock (pic). Where can I buy that wire? Bill Evans shows it so someone makes it, thankx
  4. pauls340

    Who makes the harness bulkhead connectors?

    Replacing my main under dash harness I broke one of the bulkhead connectors that connects to the backside of the bulkhead in the engine well. Any idea if these are available? Thanks
  5. pauls340

    Aftermarket tach still doesn't work?

    After all the time and $$$$ putting a new under dash rallye harness in with the upgraded DemonIVR, I start the car only to find the tach is still stuck on 2000rpm. My problem I don't understand electrical stuff. Is there any simple check?
  6. pauls340

    Where to get power for aftermarket tach?

    Which is the best fuse to get power? The 3A on top, Instrument lights?
  7. pauls340

    How should I cleanup this board?

    Tips will help, thanks
  8. pauls340

    Help with grounds for rallye dash and harness

    I am 70% done putting a new main dash wire harness in. One of the mounting tabs for the rallye dash is missing; the one on the bottom to the left of the steering column. Somewhere on Abodiesonly there was talk about dash grounds....where are they? Any tips while it's all apart will help.:cheers:
  9. pauls340

    What do these connectors go to?

    This is from a new 71 rallye dash main harness. The top gray connector I think went to the rear speaker? I can't figure out any of them. Any ideas,thanks
  10. pauls340

    What's this wire for going to the brake pedal?

    Two of these three wires connect to the brake pedal switch. the white one goes on the backside. Any idea what this post end connects to? Thankyou.
  11. pauls340

    Anyone get a Year1 main dash harness for a Demon

    If you've got one of these from Y1, how easy was it to install and how correct is it? Thanks
  12. pauls340

    Main harness ?, Mr Heaterbox or Year 1

    Anyone use the services of Mr Heaterbox? Opinions? It's a big hit for the $550 Year1 main harness.
  13. pauls340

    What grounds the rallye dash?

    I've heard the screws that mount the dash to the dash frame is the ground??? Maybe that's why no dash lights, I painted the frame before I put it back together. HELP
  14. pauls340

    Why no dash lights?

    Had the rallye dash out, 71 Demon 340, tested all dash lights, they worked, put it all back and nothing works but one indicator light. any help is appreciated.
  15. pauls340

    Put the rallye dash back together &now no tach

    Aftermarket tach worked perfectly before I took the dash out. Put it all back together (never unhooked the tach) crushed the two wires from the tach with the steering column. Cut and spliced back together and nothing. Any tips? Thanks:sign3:
  16. pauls340

    Rear speaker wire #'s ?

    I have a speaker wire that runs under the interior rocker cover protector thingie with #3513 153, goes from the trunk to the driver side kick panel; then #3513 143 goes from that kick panel up to the radio. The two wires are connected in the kickpanel. Is this for the rear speaker? Thanks
  17. pauls340

    Where to get electrical connectors?

    I need an L shaped connector like this; any idea where to get?
  18. pauls340

    ?Year One Rallye gauge Main wire harness opinions

    Anyone get a new Year One Main dash wire harness? Is it easy to install? Does it come with all the connections you needed? Anyone know if the 20% discount is for harnesses too? Thanks
  19. pauls340

    Wanna replace my main wire harness with no experience

    I have very little electrical experience but I can "plug n play", if the Ron Francis main wire harness takes some knowledge of what you're doing, must I or should I just bite the bullet and go with the exact replacement ralley dash harness for $525 at Yearly One?