108,920 horsepower ....

I Can See It Now, Do You Think I Can Shoehorn This In My Ram Billy Bob?
Wow! I used to go into a locomotive engine re-builder plant to work on their forklifts when I worked for Hyster and they showed me some pretty big engines but nothing compared to that. Neat thing about it is according to what they say that thing is pretty efficient.

I'd sure hate to be the guy that had to torque all those studs down. :tard: LOL
Very interesting. I have to wonder, though, whether it would be better to use steam pistons beyond a certain point in order to maximize torque for turning a huge single screw.

thats exactly what i was thinking. lol
I have seen this website, and pics before.

Did you see the ladders in the Block Webbing?

Thats a big mutha huffa.

Here is a engine I used to work on all the time....it would easily consume my 15' x 15' living room:

50L V-16 Twin Turbo
Dam! Look at the size of those turbos!

My x was a BMW & Mini mechanic. I took a look at the Mini Cooper turbo and laughed my a off. I could hide it in my hand.