170 slant6 63 help



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Jan 8, 2006
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on the hill
I would like to keep the original block in this 63 its a 170 not the 225 I would like to have,
But I am hoping some one can help me with a change that will help for little more power.
My question, is the one barrel intake and exhaust must go. I think!!
is the two barrel exhaust bigger then the one barrel exhaust.
I would like a nice header and stay two barrel or is the four barrel to much for a 170 would this be over kill.
I have heard that a 63 model A bodie is hard to find a set of headers that will bolt on and not get in the way and be more of a pain then they are worth.
I have seen some home made exhaust made from two exhaust steal manifolds. Is there a member here that has dun this and how well did it work for ya. I don't want to burger up this old valiant that is in great shape.
I don't think the pea shooter will keep me happy and a set of headers would be nice for this four door. Thanks for anyone's experience with the 170 /6.
This will be a driver and show car.
And if there is anyone that has anything I can use to get this dun set me a price and submit it here.

four door 0066.jpg

four door 0077.jpg

four door 01555.jpg

so you physically have the car?? its YOURS??? that great memike!! look into clifford exhaust. i personally wouldn't use the factory manifolds for the exhaust conversion. the 2 bbl intakes come up every once in awhile on ebay, or on the local craigslist. then just get about a 2" exhaust and you'll be fine.
so you physically have the car?? its YOURS??? that great memike!! look into clifford exhaust. i personally wouldn't use the factory manifolds for the exhaust conversion. the 2 bbl intakes come up every once in awhile on ebay, or on the local craigslist. then just get about a 2" exhaust and you'll be fine.

No not yet redfastback!!! I am getting things in my head strait on the first to do list. Sorry to miss inform anyone I go to court the 11th and it should be mine.
Is the two barrel exhaust bigger then the one barrel exhaust?
I will look at the clifford exhaust and i would like two find an aluminum 2 barrel intake! But I have herd they have a reputation to leek easily.
so I may have to be happy with a steal one.
let us know after the 11th when you get it. i'll keep an eye out for an aluminum intake out this way on craigslist or see if a couple of people have them.
:thumblef:Thanks redfastback. I am getting ahead of myself here! but I have to do something and I thought I had better get looking and learning at what options I have to keep the 170 in the car. Clifford did not have headers for a slant 6. I see them on ebay but they are not sure what they fit.
I have heard the two barrel even gets better gas mileage and more hp.
I will continue my searching for info.
Thank you again redfastback:salute:
Here is a set but will they fit a 63 valiant.
They say it is for a high starter location!!

high starter location..jpg
dang memike if you go with those cliffords you will have almost as much in them as you do the car :toothy7: also there was a member on here that had a set of headers for an early a body a couple weeks ago i will see if i can find the post. Justin

found the post but i dont know how to post a link anyway the post is Early A Body Headers by dartcustom hope this helps
Yes it does !!!=D> I will go take a look
jjr426 :wave:
Thank you for your help
and glad to see you are enjoying this great site jj.:toothy7:
Doug Dutra over on www.slantsix.org is the one that makes the stock style manifold/header. http://slantsix.org/articles/exhaust-man-mods/exhaust-manifold-mods.htm

Super Six stuff (2bbl)

Here is the email that Doug sent me about the Dutra Duals back in 2005...

"Here is some general price info. on my "Dutra Duals" cast iron exhaust
manifolds for the Slant Six. I currently have manifolds in stock so you
order a set directly from me. (Im not sure if he has them in stock right now, this was back in 2005)

The different prices listed below apply to the different levels of
completion. (manifold type and machining)
You can save some money if you do some of your own machining on the
manifold. (hole drilling and tapping) and modify your current factory
manifold for the rear section.
As you will see below, I can also furnish you a complete, finished
set of manifolds at a higher cost.

$180 for a new, semi-finished "Dutra" front casting only.
The "semi-finished" manifold has the two main surfaces machined flat
but it does not have any holes drilled or tapped.
(basically a raw cast iron manifold with 2 surfaces ground flat)
I do not recommend getting the semi-finished casting unless you are a
machinist by trade and have access to milling, drilling, tapping and
grinding equipment.

$225 for a finished front casting, fully machined, ready to install
front manifold, you will have to make-up your own rear manifold section
outlined in the "how to" article posted on the internet.

A complete finished manifold set (front & rear sections) costs $350.00
+ a
factory exhaust manifold "core". This gets you the pair of manifolds,
to install.
($225 + $125 for me to machine and weld your "core" factory exhaust
into the modified rear section)

$430 for a complete, finished set, *no core provided by you*. This
to either a "carb heat" style" manifold set or a "Dual Dutra Duals"
($225 + $125 + $80.00 core charge) or $225 twice, less $25.00
"discount" for
buying two new fully machined Dutra castings. (Dual Dutra Duals do not
for carb. heat or auto. choke mounting and will need two new exit pipes

The Dutra manifold outlet size is 2 inch and making the new head pipes
of 2 1/4 exhaust pipe works well. A "Y" system can also be made by
two, 2 inch head pipes and "collecting" them into a single 2 1/2 inch
with a large, free flowing muffler. A system like this should be made
up by
an exhaust shop and can yield a 8 to 10 % performance improvement and
have a
mellow sound.

I have more options for making custom modified rear manifold sections.
These apply to special intake manifold set-ups like the triple Webers,
SU Carbs or Hyper-Pak intake manifolds.

As I noted, you can order a manifold set directly from me by sending a
or money order, along with a "core" manifold. (if needed)
Orders take 2 to 4 weeks to fill. PayPal can be used if you have cash
balance in the account. Credit card funded PayPal must add 3% to total

You may already have this link to the web page showing photos of the

Doug Dutra"

Good luck on getting the car Mikey. I think that if anyone here deserves it you do!!!!
I have seen and read that 360scamp has allot to offer.
Thanks and when I get the car home this looks like the way to go.
Thank you again 360scamp
I still need to know if a two barrel exhoust is bigger than a one barrel?
A two-barrel exhaust (Super six ) is the same as the one barrel. Slantsix.org has tons of great info.

A two-barrel exhaust (Super six ) is the same as the one barrel. Slantsix.org has tons of great info.

Thanks Steve. Now I can carry on my search
for a two barrel intake and not worry about the exhaust for know.
Couple of things. First, if you really want a 225 I have 2 rebuilt short blocks in the garage. One is a '64 from a Dart that has been bored .040 and the crank is .020 undersize on the rods and mains. New pistons, rings, bearings, and has a gasket set still in the box. The other is a '70 from a 1 ton truck that has been bored .040 and the crank only needed a polish. The pistons are Wiseco forged 2.2 Turbo with custom 7.0 inch rods. Really don't want to part with this one since I plan to put a supercharger with injection on it and shoot for 350-400 HP. That should work in Hester, my '66 Valiant 4 door. PM a contact so we can discuss trading short blocks. I need a 170 block to experiment on. Want to do a short (in slant terms) stroke blower motor that will put out around 600 horses. And no, the only difference between the super six exhaust and the standard was a bigger head pipe. You may want to try ebay Australia for an aluminum intake. There is a company down there named Cain that makes slant intakes and they have a 2 barrel version. To find ebay there type in .com.au after ebay. Perhaps some of our Aussie friends on this site can help with your search. We're rooting for you and want you to get something that you will be happy with.
ive got a new set of lifters and springs from comp and a rebuilt 170 never ran with a hot cam . id pull the cam and sell all 3 for 150.
Thanks Guys but I really want to keep the matching no eng.
I am figuring on replacing carb, intake and up grade ignition.
New tires and and brakes ext.

4 days to go:love4:
Couple of things. First, if you really want a 225 I have 2 rebuilt short blocks in the garage. One is a '64 from a Dart that has been bored .040 and the crank is .020 undersize on the rods and mains. New pistons, rings, bearings, and has a gasket set still in the box. The other is a '70 from a 1 ton truck that has been bored .040 and the crank only needed a polish. The pistons are Wiseco forged 2.2 Turbo with custom 7.0 inch rods. Really don't want to part with this one since I plan to put a supercharger with injection on it and shoot for 350-400 HP. That should work in Hester, my '66 Valiant 4 door. PM a contact so we can discuss trading short blocks. I need a 170 block to experiment on. Want to do a short (in slant terms) stroke blower motor that will put out around 600 horses. And no, the only difference between the super six exhaust and the standard was a bigger head pipe. You may want to try ebay Australia for an aluminum intake. There is a company down there named Cain that makes slant intakes and they have a 2 barrel version. To find ebay there type in .com.au after ebay. Perhaps some of our Aussie friends on this site can help with your search. We're rooting for you and want you to get something that you will be happy with.

I don't know Mikey, Numbers matching is neat and all but that sounds pretty damn tempting!!!
Memike, sound like you got a lot of good info here. One more thing you will need to look for is a new throttle set up as the 1 barrel uses a rod type and the 2 barrel uses the cable type. You will need one off a 63-66 a body with a V8. You will have to drill new holes to mount it up, but if the 63 is the same as my 66 there will be some small nubs where you need to drill.....Good luck on the 11th, hope all goes well for you on this one
Thanks 360scamp!! and it is tempting to drop some extra ponies in there but I am not looking to do very much hp in this car, just a nice turn key show and go car, I miss my old friends here in our area car club and going to car shows
And this car won't need to much help getting me there.:love4:
I have a throttle set up I snagged for my 63 valiant coup I got out of a smash up 65 valiant 273 car hanging on the wall at my old home place, or I did.:-k
I can't wait to get here up on blocks and get started with a good over all cleaning and inspection.
I will see about doing some horse trading
with a good machine shop on the dual exhaust work
know that 360scamp has me fixed up with the how too's.:toothy7:
daredevil has me thinking though.:blackeye:
Lets get the early A four door home first.
Thanks for all the good info here folks!! I will be back
3 days and counting...................

try not to go this long without an a body next time, memike?..........
If you turn around and sell this car im sending some guys with crooked noses named Bruno and Vito to visit you. LOL
If you turn around and sell this car im sending some guys with crooked noses named Bruno and Vito to visit you. LOL

No! No! don't even bother Bruno or Vito!! :blackeye:
This valiant will be at my house or under my seat for as long as they keep giving me a drivers license, and if that ever happens I will link it up to a hemi
and trailer that four door to Memphis motor sports park and make some passes.:toothy7:
Well !! I have decided That a two barrel intake and a good exhaust system
with a low restricted muffler will be the way for me to go.
Mrmopartec has helped me remember that a 170 will not fill a header designed
exhaust and will hurt my performance needs.
so I will be looking for an aluminum two barrel intake and a new carb.
Thank you 360scamp and everyone for your time and great advice you have shown me..,=D>
Tomorrow is the big day!!:toothy7: Again.:blackeye: