1970 440 Police Interceptor?

My understanding is that the title "Police Interceptor" is a Ford term. Ma Mopar used "Poilce Pursuit" as the name given to the HD package for Law Enforcement.
We don't put Top Loader transmissions or Traction Lock differentials in our cars, do we?
...forgot about this thread for a bit. So let me getthis straight the Ma Mopar 440 is got no more factory rated power then one that was put into a say a Charger, or a Motor home then?

I thought they "built" the "Interceptor" a bit stronger, as far as take a poundin, or have just a few more ponies then a normal "street" engine of the same size.....


I know the cars dedicated as "Cruiser" were built a ton heavier, The suspension wasn't nothing like a "Street" version....