1971 Duster Console Modification



Well-Known Member
May 21, 2009
Reaction score
I was told that this website has a template where you can modify a automatic 1971 a body console so it can be used as a four speed. If someone could send me the link for this that would be great.
I was told that this website has a template where you can modify a automatic 1971 a body console so it can be used as a four speed. If someone could send me the link for this that would be great.
You can use the search function and find it yourself. No need to ask anyone else to do it for you.
I tried searching and could not find it. Obviously that's why I asked for some help which is what this forum is for or so I thought.
I tried searching and could not find it. Obviously that's why I asked for some help which is what this forum is for or so I thought.

Nothing wrong with searching around for information. I looked it up just like you have to. I used "console modification" in search.
Once again I tried looking that up and It did not work thats why I was asking for some help on this forum. didn't think it was that big of a deal to ask for some help. so if there is anyone willing to help me with finding the template that would be much appreciated.
Once again I tried looking that up and It did not work thats why I was asking for some help on this forum. didn't think it was that big of a deal to ask for some help. so if there is anyone willing to help me with finding the template that would be much appreciated.
Try narrowing your search to the interior section of the Forum. Just go there and search again.
Some people dont want to help they just like to be difficult I dont know why people like that are on a forum but whatever I guess. Thank you very much for the assistance it is very much appreciated!
Just trying to teach folks how to find information here. We have to look it up! No reason why new members can't look around too. The more you look, the more you learn! You didn't have the link in your cortex. Neither did I. I responded to the OP with the tools to find the answer instead of just blurting out the answer. It's all about a teaching moment.
Just trying to teach folks how to find information here. We have to look it up! No reason why new members can't look around too. The more you look, the more you learn! You didn't have the link in your cortex. Neither did I. I responded to the OP with the tools to find the answer instead of just blurting out the answer. It's all about a teaching moment.

The search function here is a total crapshoot. It’s not easy to find stuff even when I know that there’s a thread with the info in it. Now maybe if I remember the user that posted the info and can narrow the search it works ok-ish, but for someone that isn’t internet saavy or super familiar with the site the search function is a total pain in the behind.
The search function here is a total crapshoot. It’s not easy to find stuff even when I know that there’s a thread with the info in it. Now maybe if I remember the user that posted the info and can narrow the search it works ok-ish, but for someone that isn’t internet saavy or super familiar with the site the search function is a total pain in the behind.
Maybe I think more like a computer. Sometimes if you re-word your search you find what you want.
The search function here is a total crapshoot. It’s not easy to find stuff even when I know that there’s a thread with the info in it. Now maybe if I remember the user that posted the info and can narrow the search it works ok, but for someone that isn’t internet saavy or super familiar with the site the search function is a total pain in the behind.
And nothing worth learning comes easy...you have to work for it.

Same reason I don’t give my kid the answers for her homework.

You can’t walk into a room full of people and just shout out what you want. You need to introduce yourself and become acquainted with the crowd first...then begins to ask questions and explain why you are asking them.

This place isnt Google...it’s a Forum.
Maybe I think more like a computer. Sometimes if you re-word your search you find what you want.

Right. Sometimes if you re-word your search a half dozen times and spend more time combing through the results you eventually find what you're looking for. Sure.

I've got like 8,600 posts here and an engineering degree, I've written code, the search function here is pretty darn lame. Not everyone here is good with computers either.

And nothing worth learning comes easy...you have to work for it.

Same reason I don’t give my kid the answers for her homework.

You can’t walk into a room full of people and just shout out what you want. You need to introduce yourself and become acquainted with the crowd first...then begins to ask questions and explain why you are asking them.

This place isnt Google...it’s a Forum.

Puh-lease. Like no one here has ever helped you answer a question you had? Give me a break.

And, exactly, this isn't Google. It is a forum, filled with members that might know the answer and can help. I had the damn thing bookmarked, no sweat off my back.
Point missed...completely.

No sir, not at all.

You think telling him to use the search function is somehow going to educate him, well, it's not. He already said he tried using it, and couldn't find what he was looking for. Which is why he asked. So, he knows how to use the search function. The search function just sucks, and no amount of practice yields consistent results. It's a total crap shoot, and I'm pretty well versed in it, thank you very much.

But instead of helping him, you just suggested a different search term. Which wouldn't help, if you actually look at how the thread he's looking for is titled. So what did you teach him? Nothing. And how did you help? Not at all.