1993 free Summit Racing 25th Anniversary Jacket



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Apr 20, 2016
Reaction score
Freeport, PA.
going through my closet today and there it is. Probably quit fitting me 75 pounds ago but I still have it. Maybe one of these days I can wear it again. Lol.
watched "fat,sick and nearly dead"(or something like that) last night about "juicing". guy lost a bunch of weight with diet change and exercise'walking to start. bunch more will power than I have. I'll eat a salad then want a burger to wash it down.
Free ? That's a collectors item.
Maybe let us know what size it is so we know who it will fit??...
if it fits you he should charge you a 100 bucks. lol
Free ? That's a collectors item.

if it fits you he should charge you a 100 bucks. lol
Are you kidding me he should send it to me with $100! I'm giving him $200 worth of good nitrous advice for when he actually has the cojones to try it...lol...
I remember those jackets, I had at least two of them I can remember. I can't remember how I got the first one, but the second one they gave to me after placing a very large order. It's kind of sad to see places not throwing in little gifts to show their appreciation for being a customer like they did back then. Then again, in those days you actually talked to a person when you ordered out of a catalog on the phone. Many times the person on the other end would ask you about your car, and just chat a little bit. A casualty of the internet age I guess.
It's kind of sad to see places not throwing in little gifts to show their appreciation for being a customer like they did back then.....A casualty of the internet age I guess.
Ohhh...But you get a free magnet with a Rockauto order!