318 pistons

The KB's167's aren't that expensive, I think that I paid just over $200.00 for a set.

Hmm thats my absolute upper limit for piston cost,but I cant find em for that.

I need to shop where you do...the best I can find em for is about $260-70

Where do you get them for that?
Ahh,so you cut out the middle man.

Warehouses dont generally deal with the public,so...I think I'll go down to the jobber store and look through thier piston catalogues.Prolly find nuthin,but what the heck..

So far the best I've found is the speedpro with a 1.755 ch,a TRW with 1.759 ch and a sealed power with 1.759.And of course the KB at 1.81.

Patience sometimes pays off.I'll keep trying.
If you want I can get a set sent to you. Just PM me and I'll see if they have a set there on monday to make sure on the final price.