318 running on water?



Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
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Eureka,Ca Humboldt
i was talking to my gf's dad and he was talking about that they make a hydrogen inj kit for evrey vehicle its universal but i was going through my summit cat and it has methenol inj kit do these work anyone have on e or there car how much gas does it make?
I also have a cheap bridge for sale. LOL
I believe the methanol injection kit you are seeing is the kit that is supplementary to a gasoline system. It's not to make your engine run on pure methanol, which would be very cost inefficient. I'm not going to say it can't be done, but running a 318 on hydrogen would be nearly impossible. Propane maybe, but not hydrogen. Hydrogen is a whole different animal compared to easily burnable fuels like gasoline, ethanol, and propane. If making a hydrogen vehicle was easy and cost efficient, there would be a whole lot more of them on the road than what there is right now.
yea i know its not aking over it all its just making it and supplementing some of the gasoline for the methonl but does it work on our cars?im wondering what the gas to methonel ratio it is and how its done 3way the fuel line?
yea i know its not aking over it all its just making it and supplementing some of the gasoline for the methonl but does it work on our cars?im wondering what the gas to methonel ratio it is and how its done 3way the fuel line?

I think you're a little confused. Hydrogen does not turn in to gasoline. There are 2 different kits you can get; a water injection kit and a methanol injection kit. Water injection is used to cool down the combustion chamber, therefore decreasing the chance of detonation so you can run a higher compression ratio. It is many times used on turbocharged vehicles. Methanol injection is kind of the same principal, but methanol will burn in the combustion chamber. Both are used to help a gasoline engine make more power. There is also a water/methanol kit which uses a 50/50 mix. I think the purpose of this is to keep the water from freezing.
He is talking about browns gas.

Here. http://smacksboosters.110mb.com/

And there are plenty of video clips at youtube as well.Just search brownsgas torch. There are a lot of guys playing with them..

Hydrogen boosting of gas is being done. My nieghbour adapted it work on a mid 90's olds cutlass. He ws gaining upwards of 41 mpg but the computer would relearn and compensate.

Moral of the story?

Brown gas will make more power and increase mileage but dont bother with anything computerised. The other drawback is that the hydrogen generator requires about 15-20 amps. For a typical V8 this makes it not practical unless you can increase hydrogen production. A 360 would need 2 hydrogen production cells and would draw about 30-40 amps. So you would move on to the electrical syystem and upgrade that...

Sound Familiar?lol
Not a 318 however its a Chrysler engine that runs on water! :-D

the one im thinking of is the one that uses water or window washing fluid.i know nothing is going to get me to never use gas again i wish i could convert to bio deisel but yea. 41 mpgs is crazy if i could get 25 i would b happy. im just supprised for all the summit stuff ppl talk about this hasnt gone onto a abodie.
the water/methenol kit is for the turbo guys like wish4hemi states. It has been around for a while (I remember water injection back in the eighties). I guess it got started by using it in towing applications to reduce ping and knock. And yes, if you could figure a way to use it correctly, you could up your compression and get better fuel milage. Or even add more timing so the engine would run better.
.......anyone remember the Spearco water injection kits from way back?...............
the water turns to steam in the combustion process so very little at all could get to the oil to contaminate it
I've heard of the browns gas but the problem is, the more you draw on the alternator, the more drag there is on the engine. You can't get something for nothing. The amount of oxygen and hydrogen produced is very small by volume when you add in how much a engine really needs. I did the math once and the numbers just didn't pan out.

An exception to this Iceland and Greenland who has tons of free thermodynamic electricity availible to break water down into hydrogen. In thier case, it makes sense but that's an entirely different story.

Their was a guy on the Ramcharger forums who tried this on carbed RC and claimed a 2-3 mpg improvement, but really a rear wheel dyno is the only real way to test these claims without human intervention. Someone puts a lot a time into a system and he may subconciously drive differently on a given trial loop as he wants to see results.