

famous bob

mopar misfit
Aug 14, 2011
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well, I`ve "most of the time" tried to say a short prayer for everyone that asks it. guess now it`s my turn. I`m working on 70 yrs., and turned my 4 wheeler over and got tangled up in it. tweaked both knees and back muscles. left knee seems to be hyper-extended in all directions. don`t think there is any ligament damage. man I`m sore ! I can see what some of the old guys at church are up against, not being able to get up and down, and around! really sucks, not ready for this! thanks, bob
Well, I hope you heal up properly. Sounds like physical therapy is in your future.
Damn, sounds bad. Those quads can hurt the best of us. Best wishes on a speedy and complete recovery.
Hay Bob, I will keep you in my prayers and ask for strength and healing and also piece of mind sir.O:)... being laid up and not able to do things is a true test of strength to deal with..
I hope I can still get on a 4 wheeler when I hit 70.. let's count our blessing first and keep moving forward my friend :coffee2:
oh damn man.. take it real easy and go see a doc.. knees and back are nothing to toy with! I hope you get better - ya crazy ol' coot! LOL
I said a prayer for your old a**! hope you get to feeling 100% real quick.

sore? better take a Tylonol PM at night!!!!
Dang Bob !! Just take it easy and get the leg up for a while. Maybe treat with a frosty beverage....:D:D
Take care of yourself, man. And yeh. Many of us are "in this boat."
Take care of yourself, man. And yeh. Many of us are "in this boat."

thanks guys ! Like the moose said in the old commercials, " I appreciate it !" wasn`t trying to keep up w/ the boys, was ahead of them. LOL weren`t racing just was in the lead. unfortunately one of them had a motor quit, and we were separated when it happened, took them about 45 min. to find me. I couldn`t stand up, and didn`t even try to set the bike back up on it`s wheels. went out and crutched up and down the driveway a couple times to day, still swelled up, but a hair better. thanks again !
Prayers for a speedy recovery sir.
Ddaddy is going through something similar - and "all" he did was trip over a moving box - just one knee. Bob - ice on bruises for the first 24hrs. - warm compresses after that -- hey old school- go see your doc.. an ounce of prevention..
The body has an amazing ability to right itself with the proper rest and therapy - and don't rule out the importance of the mind in healing. Think positive, stay positive and don't rush it. Prayers and positivity coming at you from Minnesota.
Prayers sent for a speedy recovery.

You've got a few years on me, but the body is an amazing thing, and can recover remarkably quick when necessary. After 1.5 months in a nursing home and 3 more months of therapy, I was able to walk like I was never injured from my motorcycle accident. I hope your recovery goes as well or even better than mine did.
Prayers coming for a speedy and painless recovery!! Shoulda let them younguns catch up!!! ��
one sent up for you from me, will have entire church send up one this weekend,hope you keep us posted on your healing, May God send healing your way !
At 70 if you wait for that to heal, it will likely take 10-20 years, your best bet is to see a doctor or physio.
Good luck and may god bless.