4.7l woes and rant

Hell no it ain’t lol unless you have everything laid out ready to go and are on crack cocaine as well as a **** load of monsters and red bulls standing by!!
Ehhhh, better to take the Time with it... Heart attacks could slow Ya right on down! And just the Stress from doing a MERCEDES MOPAR! I loved the 4.7 in my 01 Dakota...it was a fairly evil lil beast.... did a water pump, belt, and a Radiator. Outer Ties, shocks, and upper BJs. Burned off a set of 16" truck tires.. Plugs once, plus a starter, in almost 5 years...oh yeah, clogged the Cat. Sawzall, and some 5/8" rebar with the 3# baby, a blast down the Veterans exp, and tar was fixed...
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Thanks guys and yeah it took some patience which I’m getting better at with age! Just for anybody else that wants to build one of these engines definitely do your research on these and check everything!! don’t assume but that goes with any other engine build!
I think you can put a notch in your belt for sure. Those are not the easiest engines to build and get right.
Thanks for posting about your rebuild, and congrats on your success! I was under the impression these were just kinda 'throw-away' engines like the Ford 5.4L Tritons.

One neat factoid which I'm not sure is true but allegedly the chambers and valve orientation are adapted from the poly-head A engines. Sure looks similar from the pics. Also I'm not too sure about Mercedes/Daimler having a hand in the design, they had only owned Chrysler for a few years by the time the 4.7L came out and most new engine platforms take 5-10 years to develop.
That’s a first for me on the poly head design being adapted to the 4.7.Very interesting tho if it is true.