/6 to V8 Motor Mounts: Level, in relation to what?



Broke Senior
Aug 21, 2010
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
Hey all, doing a 1974 Dart Swinger. Installing motor mounts, running into the K member having a bit of a problem finding level.


I'm using the valve covers as my straight edge.
The rear end suspension is raised, some 1-2 Inches in the back.

Is the final level:

#1 Car level on a absolutely perfect surface, regardless of the fact the rear end is up or down?

#2 Running a string 'X' on the frame rail, under the floor board interior of the car, then transferring that mark?

#3 Eye ball or string ran when suspension and tires are level, then leveling engine?

How critical is all of this? What point IS level for the engine?

I get the feeling I need to shim the tranny mount for height as it stands now, something doesn't blend.

Need some guidance, fresh ideas, and some muscle!

Hope the Weekend treats you well. :thumblef:
The factory level point is the carb mounting flange. Most engines sit tilted "towards the rear" so far as stuff like the oil pan rails, but the carb will be tilted forward to compensate

Most important thing is pan and other clearance---you don't want the car to "bounce down" on the rubber mounts and contact something like pan-to-K member, nor do you want the thing banging the bell/ trans on the floorboards.

Level left/ right is probably the second thing to look at.

Any engine "tilt" front to rear, and affected by vehicle stance (rear/ front height) can be compensated by changing the rear axle pinion angle if necessary.