650-700hp duster on craigslist

Oh please stop it,you would need a minimum of a 400hp shot of N20 to even get that thing close to those hp claims.
IQ52 needs that engine recipe.
top loader 3 speed. over 25K invested over the last 12 years !
i'd have to give him at least 10k for the car. its already been painted by a professional body shop that lost the hood even. ha ha ha
You guys are bein' stupid. The leaves and bugs raise compression!!
Well... I don't see what he claims to be the equivalent of a NASCAR engine, there. Also, the owner claims to have spent $25K on the car, so far. It doesn't seem that any of that money went into workmanship. Hell, for $25,000.00 you'd think he would have at least gotten a set of wire looms for the plug wires.

"Sent it out to the paint shop and the painter lost the hood"? Seem he lost the hinges, the wind shield, and the air clear, too, but was able to find a set of the General Lee's old wheels and tires.

I don't see $25K worth of work there, and I don't see $8K worth of car. Sorry, but to me it seems that the seller is either gullible to a fault, heavily self medicating, or a class A bullshit artist.
I don't see $25K worth of work there, and I don't see $8K worth of car. Sorry, but to me it seems that the seller is either gullible to a fault, heavily self medicating, or a class A bullshit artist.

I think he just might be all three of those and more Frankie.

But he changed the oil in it in September, that HAS to add some value....
That's pretty good, really. I wonder how many horsepower it has when it's running on all 8? (The missing plug wires and all)