'68 HEMI GTX 4-speed car

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I never saw 72swgnr ask for a "what's it worth". He is merely informing us about a car that is available in my opinion for a reasonable price for what you get. They don't make these cars anymore and it isn't the late '70s anymore. The car doesn't look rusty so if you paid the 30g's for it, put in a crate 426 hemi, painted and detailed it, i think you would have a car worth 80g's or so even in today's market.
If i had a '74 dart sport slant 6 car for sale and asked 30 g's for it it's not up to anyone to critisize the price or make rude comments about it.
I'm tired of seeing unsolicited negative comments about the asking prices of cars and parts on this site. Some of your comments rival the ones made by the 9 year old that accidentally got on line and made a stupid comment. Grow up.
The mods can ban me if they want to for saying this, but i had to get this off my chest because it's been going on too long and getting worse.
I hate threads like this stopped by the mods because of stupidity.
I don't think i'm out of line on this at all.
My rant is over, please continue on with our regularly scheduled program!
Guys/Gals like I said he wants 30k for it (I BELIEVE) (He was offered 50k as it sits back around 2004 or 2005 but wouldnt sell it at that time) If the right person who wants to pay his asking price comes along great if not it will just go back in the garage. He's not hard up for the money. And yes this IS a REAL Hemi car minus the numbers matching short block.
Sorry guys, my son decided to reply on this post(9 years old) ,then tell me he replied to a post. I would definitely restore this car if it was a true Hemi car,NOT PART IT OUT.That's what happens when you turn your back on the computer for 5 minutes and someone has to play with it.
you gotta get that kid out to more car shows!!!!:toothy10:
Hey 72: Would you by any chance know of the where abouts of the original short block, good or bad? Is it still around and can it be found or is it already in China?
Hey 72: Would you by any chance know of the where abouts of the original short block, good or bad? Is it still around and can it be found or is it already in China?

I have no idea. My father might know but my best guess is its either sitting in junkyard burried somewhere or its already been melted down.

The original owner of the car threw a rod or something and put a hole in the original block
My buddy has a '70 lime hemi Road Runner, pd $1800 for it in'82. ALL # matching, apart. The blocks in a 55 gal. drum of oil, the rest is in dry storage(bedroom closet). This car still has all of its insp. markings. would make a KILLER reference resto car. 30K wont touch this one either. :thebirdm:
It's sold...loaded up in an auto transport and headed down the road...The new owner flew in today looked everything over and made the deal. He had already lined up an auto transport company which showed up today as well. And btw he got pretty close to what he wanted for it...
Congrats on the sale. I think it was a fair price for a rare car. Original Hemi cars aren't getting more common since the economic downturn. They are always going to command some $$. Just think, if this was 2006, that same car would have been around $50k as is.
Congrats on the sale. I think it was a fair price for a rare car. Original Hemi cars aren't getting more common since the economic downturn. They are always going to command some $$. Just think, if this was 2006, that same car would have been around $50k as is.

You're right in 2004 my father was offered 50k for the car but at that time he did not want to sell it. What it comes down to is how much is the car worth to you? To my father it was worth what he asked for it, to others it might not of been worth that much in thier eyes. The guy who bought it and saw it in person thought it was worth close to the asking price so that's all that matters
Quote:: What it comes down to is how much is the car worth to you? To my father it was worth what he asked for it, to others it might not of been worth that much in thier eyes. The guy who bought it and saw it in person thought it was worth close to the asking price "SO THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS".

This statement is perfect, it should be hung on the wall for all to read and be required reading for anyone that is contemplating the buying or selling of cars or parts for that matter on FABO.8)
I agree, 100% , i have not been on this site long, but it is a little intimidating sometimes to use the a b or e body forums, because of the response of people over the things we say ! Just my opinion, i know everybody's got one.
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