69 formula S

It's a complete 69 Barracuda Formula S with it's original engine for $3000.

Clearly it is overpriced by at least $5000. Was this a trick question?

If you look at it, verify matching numbers.

Verify that it is a factory 340 car.

Verify matching numbers.

Before spending money, find out what you will need to get a title.
lol..xs2. you havent towed it home yet??? if i was closer, it wouldnt be for sale anymore
i saw that last nite , that is a really good price if it truly is what it's advertised at , roll up with a hand full of hundreds & a trailer & drive away smilin' , i wouldnt sleep on that one too long if your thinking of buying it .
Jump on it! A rolling "S" has to be worth at least $2500..this one is 98% complete, even if the engine isnt #'s matching its worth it!