69 Hemi Dart seized in drug bust



Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2005
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Central MA
Here's a good story. My co-worker's son is a cop in TN. He was on a meth bust last week and reposessed a 69 Dart from a drug dealer that supposedly has an aluminum Hemi block and heads.

It's not supposed to be an original car, is in semi-rough but driveable shape, has the rear wheel wells cut out like the SS Darts, and will be up for sale at a local police auction.

I don't know anything about aluminum Hemis, or if such an animal even exists, but it makes for a good story. Since I know my co-worker's son (who owns a new Rumble Bee and a 69 Satellite being restored), I tend to believe that at least a Hemi Dart will be sold around here in the near future.

Aluminum Hemis are available... my boss just bought one off of E-bay for $570.00... aluminum block Keith Black Hemi... only downfall is that they are notorious for leaking doe to expansion characteristics of aluminum....
Thats one you should have kept to yourself ! Then gone out too the auction and scooped it up !
I live in Nashville, anywhere near here? I'd at least like to see it, I wouldn't want to buy it thereby snatching it from a more worthy individual.
Oh yeah, and I don't have much money to spend.