70 340 dart "survivor"

lol. good stuff there waggs. ya mate gota good survied resto vintage modified ride there for sure.look forward to ya headliner thread as have that coming up next year.cheers.:cheers::cheers:

well I respect purist's as much as I can if they don't start pickin my car apart while I am in earshot, that respect end's when they let me hear their sorry problems with how I build a car, in this instance I did not build this car nor does it belong to me, as stated in the first overlooked sentence and I quote myself directly ( I can do that ) "[Heres na slightly modified dart 340 survivor"] why not just enjoy the pic's or better yet ignore this thread??? It's a cryin shame that not everyone remembers the 70's or the 80's when traction bars were on everything with wheel's and leaf springs, they bolt on, so do valve covers and tachometers and cragars, some have noted it won't be heading over to the "survivor" tent and for good reason.....BORING if i took a poll I bet 80% polled would say the people that own them wrote a check and are boring to the point of tears, I like all forms of the hobby but It surely reminds me of the (expletive) that told me how I ruined a perfectly good four door when I built my waggin now I need to deleat this whole thread so that when the owner signs on for the first time he doesn't see what a bunch of whiney asse's are here and go back to FORD!!!! shame on you learn to read before you post next time, I shall venture out to the shop and paint every engine compartment black, add traction bars to all of my uncountable amount of mopars and make sure you can see body color thru all of my many grilles just for the satisfaction of knowing it's pissin you off....I shall get a hurt feelings report form for you to fill out now :p
QUOTE=71Dartman440;1820850]How bout the traction bars? Are those custom made...didn't think they made any for Mopar leaf sprung of that style (replaces spring pad/shock mount). Usually only saw those on GM cars with the "Traction Action" logo.
when they say ya have to pull the glass to install a headliner I just want to prove em wrong.....so far I'm battin a 100.......it's tricky but not impossible, keep your hands clean at all times during an install, find and mark the centerline of the car and the headliner, from there measure from the front to the rear hoop and mark that off...Oh hell lemmi save this for the headliner install thread...stay tuned while we get educated on survivor cars......this could be great or could be a great trainwreck...... I say it's a slightly modified survivor and i'm stickin ..... to it!!!!!!!!!!

Forgot about this thread.....
Hey Waggs. When ya stoppin' through Southern Alberta? I got a liner to do and haven't turned the cahonas brass enough yet! :D
Bring that car to the Mopar Survivor tent and you'll be turned away.

And go anywhere else and they'll tell you what an awesome car you have.

What does that say about the "purists"?

Awesome car, don't let the haters bring you down.