'70 Duster on E-bay with door dings and scratches?

holy **** that car is EFED! looks like somone used it as a derby car wow that car is worth 300 bucks at the most wow
That's a parts car at best. Talk about rode hard and put away wet...

Hey the trunk lid looks OK... LOL
That's door dings and scratches? What the hell does he consider seriously beat the s*** out of?
Or is it 150K? Note how the number do not line up. That was how you knew in the old days (before the extra digit was added).
Come on guys,those will buff out!!That poor car looks sad.I wonder if it was in a riot.Be a good parts car.Notice the nice shiny black valve cover?lol.Heck,i would buy it and drive it.If someone plowed into me,who gives a ****,right?
"The exterior of the car is YELLOW and is showing signs of wear and is faded. It has a few door dings and scratches. "
I know what messed up that car,look at the kitty paw marks on the hood,it was a cat that did it!
Buy it and drive down to TJ and have it fixed up in a day. Or drive next door to Santa Ana and find a local body shop and leave it for a week.
Jeez guys, I've seen some pretty badly rusted cars on here that pep's are working on and this looks to be in a lot better shape, definitely salvageable.
Just throw some red rims w/wide whitewalls on it, toss an old mexican blanket over the seats and put some spiderweb pinstriping on it and cruise around SoCal with it. Isn't that the thing to do with beat up old cars in California? :roll:
Did anyone notice, it is a disc brake car. Check the master cylinder in the one pic. That alone makes it worth the current bid as long as you are close and don't have to ship it!
By looking at the mostly green interior that they state is black, I''d say thats probley four-hundred an 59 thousand miles atleast, just proves mopars are tough