71 Duster 360 (new project)

Everybody and Everything make it home safe and sound...and no broken parts...

Was a hot day...saturday had cloud cover...sunday no clouds...
And with youngest daughter......another tour of oildale/bakersfield......wanted to buy 5 gallons of e85 to be on the safe side....trying to find a station....google would show that the station had e85...but the stations did not...asked the young female attendant if they had it...she said what is that.....ok...public education system...

then using google and the smart phone....I gave up before i spend 20 dollars worth of gas driving around town......
Still sounds like one of your better outings recently Tony. Although a "warm" trip, the cars ran good, especially the Duster, and you made the trip safe, what's not to like :). Get some rest tonight and things will be fine tomorrow. :thumbrig:
71 Dart

60 1.392
330 4.129
1/8 6.488
mph 103.43
1000 8.552
1/4 10.318

mph 126.95
Duster 1st pass slow motion launch

There are several apps for smart phones that show all the e85 stations on a live map.

iPhone, android etc. I got the app from Propel on my iPhone & iPad.
We had an app for the phone..and some of the stations that were on it did not have e85....

next time i will do it the old fashion way...call the station and ask...LOL
Work called today....and I answer the phone...LOL

Short project...5-6 weeks in Sacramento...pays too much not to go..besides that is my home town and I need a vacation...want me there on Friday...gotta go pee in bottle tomorrow..

And got a second job offer to start in mid December with another company on a 1.5 yr project in Las Vegas...
taking a car up to Sac? nice cool fall air!!
taking a car up to Sac? nice cool fall air!!

Only thing they have going on are TnT on Saturdays.....yes...the air is probably pretty good there..

Plus I believe i have to work on Saturdays anyway.... OT...

Well...might not have to be there until Monday now....will find out tomorrow for sure...
Looking like I need to winterize the two cars...Dart and Duster...going to drain the E85 from the fuel cell and back off the rockers....

the Demon is already done...

The weather must be getting nice again........
My W5 headers are going to their new home in New York ...,,
My W5 headers are going to their new home in New York ...,,

did u give them away?....lol

Just rolled into Sacramento about an hour ago......wow..that drive is not getting any shorter...

See if I can survive at a new job for a few weeks...LOL
Glad you made the trip safely Tony! Do you go up Veterans Hwy thru Reno? Enjoy your time in Sac. And enjoy working.....A lot of us that just can't find the right work are jealous. :D
Glad you made the trip safely Tony! Do you go up Veterans Hwy thru Reno? Enjoy your time in Sac. And enjoy working.....A lot of us that just can't find the right work are jealous. :D

I go up US 95 thru Yerington then SR 208 thru Smith Valley to US 395...to Minden then I pick up SR 88 to Meyer...the US 50 into Sacto....LOL

....a very peaceful drive with very little traffic MOST of the way especially on the nevada side..,,,
Cool. I've never been further west of just outside St. Louis, But i've always been a US geography buff :). The Google Maps & Street Views just fuel my passion...lol. I sure hope sometime before my days are numbered I can make it out your way...