727 converter


mike parisi

New Member
Jul 21, 2019
Reaction score
NY 11714
i bought a 67 cuda with a 318, wanted to change the 4 speed to an automatic (727). had a tranny and converter built. went to put the tranny in and the converter pilot did not fit into the crank. the 318 turned out to be a bad motor anyway so i bought a crate 360. redid the converter for correct stall speed and correct flex plate. I find myself in the same spot , the converter pilot will not fit into the crankshaft. the crankshaft is 1.7970, the converter 1.8120. WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is there a possibility that the crank in the 360 is drilled for a standard transmission as was your original 318? When you ordered the engine, was the transmission type being used mentioned? I only bring this up because at one time I worked in the parts dept for a brand X dealership. The cranks for a standard transmission were different than the cranks for an automatic transmission. Standard cranks of course take a bushing or bearing to support the transmission input shaft, automatics drilled to take the converter pilot, no bushing or bearing required.

In the converter catalog I have in front of me, all 727 converter pilots show 1.810". 904's also have the 1.810" pilot except for the early ones at 1.550". There are some odd ball import and Jeep converters that have other sized pilots, but none that measure 1.797" You might want to check with the engine supplier and find out what they supplied you. It was mentioned that you might get the converter builder to machine the pilot down, and a factory pilot is not a solid piece, but is hollow. I'd also as suggested, check with the converter supplier and see what they say.
It's an engine issue, not a converter supplier issue you've got in my opinion.
I hope you can get the problem solved.
i bought a 67 cuda with a 318, wanted to change the 4 speed to an automatic (727). had a tranny and converter built. went to put the tranny in and the converter pilot did not fit into the crank. the 318 turned out to be a bad motor anyway so i bought a crate 360. redid the converter for correct stall speed and correct flex plate. I find myself in the same spot , the converter pilot will not fit into the crankshaft. the crankshaft is 1.7970, the converter 1.8120. WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The easy thing to do is speak with a converter guy like Freddy Brown. He is not that far from you. Just west & south of the Deer Park rail station.
I would rather have the crank drilled correctly. But that’s a huge amount of work. FWIW, SK Speed is a little easier to get to. They might be able to do that work on the converter as well. IDK, it’s worth the asking. Speak with the machinists there. Kevin has been machining since he could and was taught by his dad who retired out of there.
What? Get the converter machined? Then it will never fit another crank (without a special bushing) I guess you think I'm kidding about the drill bit...
No, it's called "making a simple problem more complicated and having to deal with it again in the future" hahaha.
I'd ask the converter shop who built it, how much the pilot can be machined down before it loses it's integrity. If they can do it without causing problems fine, if not, there are other modifications to the converter that can be done.
Are you sure there isn't a bushing stuck in that crank??

i bought a 67 cuda with a 318, wanted to change the 4 speed to an automatic (727). had a tranny and converter built. went to put the tranny in and the converter pilot did not fit into the crank. the 318 turned out to be a bad motor anyway so i bought a crate 360. redid the converter for correct stall speed and correct flex plate. I find myself in the same spot , the converter pilot will not fit into the crankshaft. the crankshaft is 1.7970, the converter 1.8120. WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is there any chance you could snap a picture of the crank and post it here?