727 problems. please help



New Member
Apr 23, 2015
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OK I just rebuild. My 727 with The b&m trans kit and put a new Vavle body in it but I don't. Have reverse and it trys to go forward. In ever gear except reverse which it does nothing in Reverse please help
........Sounds like u got a valve body problem.....u installed the kit in the new vb?....or u may have internal problems from not being assembled properly...............kim........
Is the oillevel ok? i mean really ok?
Did you adjust the bands correct?
Did you adjust the Clutch endplays correct?
There are a lot of reasons for that.
Did you renew the steelsealrings?
Maybe one is broken while mounting the Pump. Then you don´t have a reverse gear...

an so on and on and on...
Sounds like you missed the manual valve with the linkage tab.
Did you air pressure test the components? No drive at all is possibly a rear clutch pack problem

BTW: you seriously need to read what you write before you post. From the 3rd sentence on your post is very confusing.
Like fishy said.
You need to isolate the problem to hydraulic or to mechanical.
Drop the VB and do an air pressure test. Its actualy pretty cool watching the bands apply, and hearing the clutches making their thluck-thluck sounds.
Wear safety glasses.