-73 Duster body/frame Number?



Active Member
Oct 14, 2013
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The Swedish viecle testing organisation has started asking for a frame/body number stanced in car. As i am going to test my car for the first time sone i better start searcing. Anybody know where to start?
sounds like what we in the US would call a VIN: Vehicle Identification Number
there should be a little plate riveted to the dash, visible when looking in through the windshield
(not sure how you prove ownership in sweden but here in the US that number needs to match the title to the vehicle)
Well, thats the thing... They are not always satisfied with the vin number. I heard about a man that was haft to bolt the fenders of a mach 1 mustang to find a frame number. I would want to be prepard when my day is here...
The last 8 digits of the VIN will be on the radiator support & rear speaker shelf for a Duster. Know that the first two digits are transposed on the body, so if your dash VIN ends in 3B123456 the body numbers would say B3 123456.

Check your driver side door for the Mylar sticker also.

Also, on some foreign cars the importer will have stamped a full VIN in the body somewhere, usually in the engine bay on a fender apron or top / side of the frame.
Thank you all! That is the information i needed, hope the staff on SBP agrees.
Thank you all! That is the information i needed, hope the staff on SBP agrees.

you can always trust the personel at AB Svensk Bilbekämpning to do there best in not understanding that not all cars follow the specifications required by a brand new car ;)

im quite sure i have seen someting that looks like a VIN on the radiatorsuport aswell on my duster under about 645546564 layers of paint.
It's obvious that we are from the same country faceing the same problems!
Thanks everyone.