75 Hang 10 Dart Sport beater

Received a color sample from acc carpets today. The only orange the have is hugger orange. It looks pretty good but its not as bright. Its also not available in shag.
Didja try a carpet store? They sell many different shag carpets. Cutting & fitting it to a floor is easy, especially with a center console.

Got a bunch tools today to after dinner I grabbed a beet and headed out to the garage to put them away and clean up my mess a bit.

Sat and looked at the car for a while wondering if I should start working on it. Im having a hard time getting excited about it. Never had the problem with a car before but all I see with this one is $$.

I just want to go cruising and this car at minimum needs floors, trunk and a motor plus more tools to do the work. ](*,)
One step and then another and soon enough you will see the difference as the car starts to come together.
The works not the problem. Its the money. Im having a hard time convincing myself that the car is worth it to me to fix.
Ill have about about 2K in parts and tools just to do the floors and trunk, I refuse to spend money on the slant 6 that I had planned to replace at some point which pretty much means Ill be doing the V8 swap before I can drive it.
Just thinking out loud here but maybe step away from it for a week and see how you feel then.
Ive only had it for 2 weeks though. All ready burned out on its not a good sign. I've done 2 large projects before this one and last 2 times I got burned out 90% of the way done and sold them. Last time getting so burned out I sold my tools as well and stayed off the site for 6 months.

Thats exactly why I was looking for something that was "otherwise solid" I was hoping to either do some motor work or minor rust repair then be able to drive it. Not both.

I'd bet Adam's is in better shape and alot less in price too!

Hey Adam,

Sometimes it is good to take a moment and look back at what you have accomplished since you started. It will get you fired up for the next step.
Then start fresh another day after you have slept on the moment of reflection, grasshopper! LOL

Focus on the next step and the one after. It's gonna be a long time before you need carpet and door panels. If when you get to the point of needing those items, there might be more repops parts available cheaper by then.
Untill that time focus on sheet metal. It will give you less time to worry about cost and availability of interior stuff.
When you finally get sheet metal done you can build Adam's rendition of a hang ten on the interior untill you can shuck the bucks for the real thing. Opt for cheaper generics and solid colors untill then too. You can drive alot without carpet and door panels! LOL!!
No offence, I'm just saaaayin'
I'm pretty OCD and I worry long distance into the future too. Sometimes that focus in the distance can make the things in front of you become blurry.
Find a cheap local running slant 6 and swap it.
Stop buying tools, start getting metal, go rent a wire welder and get started cutting and welding and slap a temp running slanty in it.

How's that for a pep talk!!
Go Adam Go!!
Go the cheap easy route just to get you in and driving, then decide what to do next.

OK what is priority #1 for you to drive it right now?

Each time you accomplish the #1 thing that is keeping you from driving then ask yourself the same question above untill it becomes;
"What do I WANT to do to it next?"

Look into renting a blaster or wire welder when needed.
Buy metal, tools only when needed!! LOL!!

Want cheap and easy? see my restore threads. I restore them while driving them all the time. I ony just bought a used lincoln wire welder for $100.00. Been renting or jobbing out the labor to a mobile welder to show up at my place. Before I got my welder I would try to have at least 4 hours worth of welding to do before I would call him over. It was $100.00 per visit. I could even borrow welders once in a while and most of the time the owner would show up to run it too. Case O beer and a bbq sandwich can get er done round here!!

Good Luck man, I really hope you keep it. If you don't, Keep in mind I'm first in line to get it from you!

Sorry dude, I already posted before you posted about even selling your tools!! Jezz, now that's burnout!!
You don't have to go to the "enth" level at this restore. Just band aid it up and drive the crap outta it!
I always make band aids look like fine plaster cast!
I'd bet Adam's is in better shape and alot less in price too!

Hey Adam,

Sometimes it is good to take a moment and look back at what you have accomplished since you started. It will get you fired up for the next step.
Then start fresh another day after you have slept on the moment of reflection, grasshopper! LOL

Focus on the next step and the one after. It's gonna be a long time before you need carpet and door panels. If when you get to the point of needing those items, there might be more repops parts available cheaper by then.
Untill that time focus on sheet metal. It will give you less time to worry about cost and availability of interior stuff.
When you finally get sheet metal done you can build Adam's rendition of a hang ten on the interior untill you can shuck the bucks for the real thing. Opt for cheaper generics and solid colors untill then too. You can drive alot without carpet and door panels! LOL!!
No offence, I'm just saaaayin'
I'm pretty OCD and I worry long distance into the future too. Sometimes that focus in the distance can make the things in front of you become blurry.
Find a cheap local running slant 6 and swap it.
Stop buying tools, start getting metal, go rent a wire welder and get started cutting and welding and slap a temp running slanty in it.

How's that for a pep talk!!
Go Adam Go!!
Go the cheap easy route just to get you in and driving, then decide what to do next.

OK what is priority #1 for you to drive it right now?

Each time you accomplish the #1 thing that is keeping you from driving then ask yourself the same question above untill it becomes;
"What do I WANT to do to it next?"

Look into renting a blaster or wire welder when needed.
Buy metal, tools only when needed!! LOL!!

Want cheap and easy? see my restore threads. I restore them while driving them all the time. I ony just bought a used lincoln wire welder for $100.00. Been renting or jobbing out the labor to a mobile welder to show up at my place. Before I got my welder I would try to have at least 4 hours worth of welding to do before I would call him over. It was $100.00 per visit. I could even borrow welders once in a while and most of the time the owner would show up to run it too. Case O beer and a bbq sandwich can get er done round here!!

Good Luck man, I really hope you keep it. If you don't, Keep in mind I'm first in line to get it from you!

Sorry dude, I already posted before you posted about even selling your tools!! Jezz, now that's burnout!!
You don't have to go to the "enth" level at this restore. Just band aid it up and drive the crap outta it!
I always make band aids look like fine plaster cast!

I totally agree with this... You should just find a cheap local slant you can drop in, fix the floors, and drive it.. then do the rest while you drive it. A slant can be found for pretty darn cheap and I am sure there might even be someone here who has one you could have!
Or is an early-a what you really want? Not trying to add another layer of confusion but you said they have grown on you.
Adam, from knowing you since I joined this site (was actually you whose mag article got me here) it sounds like you indeed are burnt out. Probably because you have restored 180% of your projects, and invested all that time without really being able to enjoy the fruits of your labors. Now you are looking at doing it all over again.

Your "problem" (it's not really one mind you) is you are a perfectionist. You want everything to be perfect before you will let someone catch you driving it. I know that in your mind, the only way you are seeing this Hang is done. Completely. Perfectly detailed.

I think what you need is one of the beautiful $2000 Darts that pop up on here that are clean and drivable. Once you have something to cruise in, your project will once again become fun.

Just my take,
Adam, from knowing you since I joined this site (was actually you whose mag article got me here) it sounds like you indeed are burnt out. Probably because you have restored 180% of your projects, and invested all that time without really being able to enjoy the fruits of your labors. Now you are looking at doing it all over again.

Your "problem" (it's not really one mind you) is you are a perfectionist. You want everything to be perfect before you will let someone catch you driving it. I know that in your mind, the only way you are seeing this Hang is done. Completely. Perfectly detailed.

I think what you need is one of the beautiful $2000 Darts that pop up on here that are clean and drivable. Once you have something to cruise in, your project will once again become fun.

Just my take,

That pretty much sums it up Grant. Im very picky about how I do my cars. I cant get myself to cut corners which unfortunately is sucking the fun out of the hobby for me.
Hey, I just found this thread last night. I've been damn busy this month.

Listen, I want you to feel free to borrow my Lincoln SP 100, DeWalt grinder, and anything else I have that might help. I'll even drop it off to your door, once I get back to connecticut, and empty out the Ram (long story).

By the way, I think you will be pretty happy with that spray gun set. I have the same one. I've only used the detail gun (to do my rallyes), and mind you it's the first HVLP setup I've used, but I am impressed. Oh, I also have the HF soda blaster, and air board. You are welcome to anything. Whats this about "ordering" from HF? They have a store right in Berlin.

Might want to talk with member "davescuda." If you don't already know him, he's right near me in Cheshire, and is always parting A-bodies. He'll be a good local source for conversion stuff, like K-frames, etc. I'm PM'ing his phone number to you.