80 and Sunny

Just thought I would let everyone know it is sunny and 80. It is a great day to take the Demon out for a Saturday stroll. How is the weather that everyone else is dealing with?

It's just great here, if you're a polar bear. I don't mind the break winter brings from driving my car. It's a good time to do updates and do other projects in the house. Jayson
I didn't like my granny and my Gramps (I liked him)was a merchant marine before, during and after WWII so he used it all the time.

I love that four letter word, it is the greatest word ever! I use it every day, I'm actually wearing a shirt right now that says "What part of F--- OFF don't you understand. This is the same shirt that almost got me kicked off a Greyhound bus in Chicago until a 70 year old lady told the bus driver to stop being a Pu$$y about a simple tee shirt.

I was referring to the word "Hate" JR. :toothy10:
- 13 this morning sunny very cold.The only good thing about winter here is we have time to work on our cars in the off season.
Just for you JR.:blob: 42 F and calm here today =P~pictures just to get you get fired up.
And check out my new settings on the camera :bootysha:

Picture &&&&& 009.jpg

Picture &&&&& 013.jpg
I'm going to Oklahoma in a couple of weeks for more schooling. It damn well better be warm there. Am I dreaming, or can I hope for something nicer than here?
I'm going to Oklahoma in a couple of weeks for more schooling. It damn well better be warm there. Am I dreaming, or can I hope for something nicer than here?

No your not dreaming
It could be nice and sunny :cheers:
Well I know I am not dreaming. I am in shorts and a t shirt and I went for a drive again today with all the windows down or open and it was beautiful... Here are some pics of the sunday fun.



Looks like the west coast of California Thanks for sharing.

Don't that make you feel better JR. lol :-D
Damm, If I didn't have so much work to do on my house my Duster would be out on the prowl also. It was windy as hell in Fontana yesterday at the yard account I was at. Almost blew me over a couple times. Overall it was a very nice day today, only turned the a/c on a couple times in my service truck while running to home depot for stuff.