9/11 - Never Forget, Never Forgive



Inland Mopars Car Club
FABO Gold Member
Nov 5, 2006
Reaction score
North OC, SoCal
Agreed. I was there with my daughter on August 11th, 2001. 30 days before the attacks. We also happened to visit Washington DC and then spent a night in a hotel a couple of miles from Shanksville on our way home from that trip. We were everywhere that the planes went down, 30 days before it all happened. It really hit home for both of us. My niece, who we were visiting in New York, worked near the towers. She was basically trapped in NYC for a couple of days, slowly making her way out on foot and staying at apartments of friends or friends of friends along the way. That's how she met the man she eventually married and made a family with. They now live back here in Minnesota.
My brother and I was out in my music room/shop having coffee together (RIP Ken)
When it all started. Watching all the live feeds come in and remember looking threw all my water, tools and survival needs.
A day I will never forget, and all the lives we all lost..
i can remember to the square foot where i was when i heard it on the radio
Thank you, ocdart, for posting..

Watching this mornings ceremonies, I found myself a bit raw, though it has been 17 years..
Patriotism has found new legs in so many who have been squelched by the Sept 10th thinking in America. More and more, I see Patriots wearing Korean, and Vietnam veteran hats in proud display.
And when I'm lucky, a WWII hat. The site of this causes this civilian to stand straight and solute.

I remember seeing that second plane disappearing into the tower, then driving to work while listening to my local talk station, that was filled with bits of new news.... stunned by what I was hearing. The co-workers who would normally greet me with a 'good morning', just gave a blank stare..
But the most impactful moment came when an elderly man, 80 something, came to deliver oil.
I stopped what I was working on and grabbed a forklift.. Once it was on the ground, I stopped to sign his paperwork. He carefully made his way out of the cab, stood at attention, straightened his WWII hat, and proclaimed, "I didn't go overseas to fight, just so those pricks could fly planes into those buildings !!" I just lowered my head and said, "..yes sir".

The States were United that day. My world seemed to return to the valiant American spirit I took comfort in while growing up in my small town. In such a weird way, I was glad to be beyond all of the bickering in the years past. There was love for America and our neighbors again.
Just wish it could stay that way...
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I had just got back from the field in Hohenfelds Germany, literally. Was very hard to believe.
Jake was in kindergarten. Wife was home. I was teaching a class at work about maintaining air pressure on underground copper cable. That's the only class of the 70 or so classes I taught in 5 years that I can remember each of the 12 employees who attended. My wife called. It was my turn in front of the class, so my partner answered. Stopped my lesson so I could pick it up from him, while he went to our lab to turn the TV on. She wanted to know if she should go pick Jake up from school. Once I began to comprehend what was happening, the Pentagon got hit. I said he was safer in school and she was safer at home than they both would be if she ran out with the rest of the panicked public. We are only 45 min from DC.
This summer we visited the flight 93 memorial in PA where it went down as the passengers overthrew the terrorist hijackers. Very solemn place. Even my 10 yr old and 7 yr old kids felt it there and they weren't even alive when it all went down. Haven't been back to NY to see the finished memorial there, but did see it when they started building it.

I didn't sleep well for months. Kept seeing bin-laden's face when I'd go to sleep. I wanted to go kill the bastard myself.

A few of us at work had these shirts made a month after the attack. I wear it 2x a year. Today and Veteran's Day.

Never forget.

Good posts guys.. I still get teary eyed and choked up thinking about that day...

Same here. The day we visited the Flight 93 Memorial, I nearly had a tear roll down my cheek the 2 hrs we were there. The kids would ask me a question about it all and I'd have to take a minute or two before answering them. My wife knew. She told them to give me a minute as well.
We were pouring a very large concrete slab for my former in-laws.

First load of concrete, the driver told us the towers were on fire.

Second driver told us it was an airplane.

Third load, 1st driver again, told us it was intentional an act of terrorism.

Second driver, 4th load, Pentagon hit & another plane down.

I will never forget. :-(

I was at 'Ground Zero' about 2 years later, site cleanup still ongoing then.

The air, the entire atmosphere felt heavy, like it had its own physical presence.

Souls lost too soon can do that to a place.
You know what irks me about the stories in the news and on the History channel? Almost all of them read as/say the planes crashed into the WTC/Petagon.

They didn't crash. They were purposely flown into the buildings on a very purposeful intended flight to hit their targets. Even the plane in Pa didn't crash. It was ditched on purpose when the passengers began their takeover.
What still pisses me off is the greedy bastards that raised gas prices as soon as this tragedy occurred. We have 2 larger convenience store chains here in Iowa that sold gas that day. One held the normal price of $1.37 for unleaded 87. The other one went to $2.50( and they were not alone on gouging). I seem to recall some stations in large metropolitan areas such as LA jacked prices much higher.
No way their supply would be interrupted that fast.
I won't mention the higher priced chain's name but I don't ever patronize them because of this.

Sorry for rant on this.
It’s hard to forgive, but it’s what God wants us to do. He will use the evilest of evil to further His kingdom.

That being said, it was a very sad day. Still gives me a big lump in my stomach just thinking about it 17 years later. But, I think it has awoken patriotism in this country to a point! God Bless America!!
As a retired veteran of Tampa Fire Dept for 33 years, I too lost a good friend a NYFD member on that terrible day. Let us never forget!
And it was AMERICAN HEROES that brought the wrath of God to that evil son of a ***** BIN Laden !!!!!! Couple 5.56 lead pills!!!!
I do wish people remembered how we felt more than one day a year!
I remember where I was that day, I just got to work at the dealership in Newport beach and the service writer came in ( I was riding a motorcycle at the time so no radio) said were going to war and then we turned on the tv in the waiting room before the second plane struck. Very sad day, thoughts and prayer still with the hero's and the families and friends who lost loved ones on that day.
I will NEVER forget . Americans are too forgiving especially when it comes to $$$ . WE purchase products from countries who tried to destroy us . Some of the products we have no choice but I will NEVER buy a Japanese/German/Korean/Chinese/Italian automobile , NEVER . If you want to know the reason please visit Arlington National Cemetery . I swear you can't come away unmoved . Don't misunderstand I have no quarrel with the people of these countries . People are people . Please don't ask me to support any government that tries to destroy us .
It’s hard to forgive, but it’s what God wants us to do. He will use the evilest of evil to further His kingdom.

That being said, it was a very sad day. Still gives me a big lump in my stomach just thinking about it 17 years later. But, I think it has awoken patriotism in this country to a point! God Bless America!!

I try VERY hard to be a good Christian and I know that God does want me to forgive...

...there are a few things I fail at, forgiveness is one!
It’s hard to forgive, but it’s what God wants us to do.

Some things cannot be forgiven. 9-11 is one of those.
Similar to Pearl Harbor. Feelings may change over time, but is the act truly forgiven? Not likely.
9-11 was worse than Pearl Harbor because it was not a military action directed at a military target. It was a terrorist act directed at civilians.
No, I will never forget nor forgive.