9 mm gun, what to get?



Well-Known Member
May 31, 2010
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Well, I'm turning 21 next staturday (27th) and I want to get a handgun. Rifles don't really interest me even after going through about 50 rounds of my friend's Nagant. I've had my eyes on a Baretta 92FS as it's one of the top rated guns out there. However I am open to looking at other ones. Does anyone have any other opinions on guns? I do have somewhat bigger hands, have never shot a handgun (though, not for a lack of trying) and I'm not really interested in starting off on a .22 .
To carry it concealed or in the nightstand? Either way, practice with the darn thing. Nothing worse than hearing someone killed with their own gun because they don't have a clue how to use it.

Concealed a Kahr CW9 is a good gun. For the nightstand, a Glock 21 (.45cal).........both very reliable.
I say for what it's worth get at least a .40 cal forget the 9mm, wont stop a crazed Meth head unless you shoot them in the head, ask me how I know....
I say for what it's worth get at least a .40 cal forget the 9mm, wont stop a crazed Meth head unless you shoot them in the head, ask me how I know....
I'd have a whole clip of 9mm into him so fast he wouldn't know what hit him. I CAN put em in the head. Works for me, low recoil very easy to be on target for follow up shots. MHO :glasses7:
Sig - To hell and back reliability. I don't carry my doublestack P226 on my person but the singlestack P5 (German cop gun) is a tad smaller / lighter. I really like the controls and since it is double or single action you can carry with one in the chamber and not have to worry about the safety. It doesn't have one.
A FS 92 is a great gun to learn the fundamentals of marksmanship.
Next gun I get will be either a baretta 92fs or a glock 17. Both very reliable, and medium price range.
Honestly you have a ton of options out there these days. I would go to a range that has rentals so you can see what you like and shoot the best. Also check with any friends who are into guns and see if you can set up a range day with what they may have. You want to make sure it's comfotable and all the contols are easy for you to manipulate. The 92FS/M9's are great full size guns that will hold up for many thousands of rounds. Alot of good guns out there like Ruger P series and SR's, Kahrs, Glocks, Springfield XD's- etc., FN's, CZ, HK, Smith & Wesson M&P and SD's, and even some of the new stuff like Caracals. Besides it will be fun going out and shooting a bunch of different guns and a boatload of ammo!
.45 with hollow points only :twisted: anything less is bullsh!t period.
I don't shoot to wound, I shoot to kill. Simply if I have to pull my gun clearly whatever it is, is a direct threat to my life (or family) and must be put down.
How do you know?

I would like to hear this story as well.

I just bought a Glock 26 9mm a few days ago. Some call it "Baby Glock". It is considered a subcompact gun. I have not shot it yet but what they say about Glock is they shoot good.


I have been toting it around in my front pocket.... it's not really any more heavy than my Smith and Wesson 38 special Airweight revolver model 642.


Of course both of these guns can be used as concealed or on the nightstand. Win win situation.
I'm not trying to be a smart ***, but it seems to me if you fill an assailants center mass up with lead, it will be affective regardless of the caliber.
I'm not trying to be a smart ***, but it seems to me if you fill an assailants center mass up with lead, it will be be affective.

I don't think there is a whole lot of people that likes to get shot. I'd hate to get hit with a .22 much less a 9mm. lol
Go to your local gun shop and see how several pistols feel in your hand.
For a 9mm, you don't need to spend a lot to get a good reliable gun.
Most important, whatever you get, join a sportsmans club or go to a range and practice!
I forgot to mention that it's a good idea if you price the ammo and compare prices. If you going to shoot the gun alot the smaller guns are going to be cheaper on ammo prices.

Defensive rounds are going to make a bigger hole that a full metal jacket round.
Buy a glock, that way you don't have to fumble with the safety. Pull and fire. I have the baby glock 27 in .40 cal. yes it rocks pretty good but thats my CCW gun. I have heard the .45 cal is better to shoot I wished I went that way. But in NY I canlt hold as many rounds. Just like these others are saying make sure you take classes and use it smartly. Go to the range and fire the gun and get real familar with drawing the gun and firing. I bought mine used for 300 shoots great.
First I would buy a target.22 for shooting you can get one for 300.00.....trust me when you first get you permitt you will be shooting all the time.... and you donlt want to be firing off 100 round of 9mm and up your hand will be killing you, plus your wallet will too LOL.... you can buy 500 rounds of .22 for 20.00 and shoot all day.
I have had my Browning High Power for many years and it will shoot any 9mm out there.
Never had FTF or even a stovepipe and I know some hand guns are fussy about what ammo they like.
Why start out with a pea shooter(9mm). Start out at-least with the 40S&W. S&W MP guns look nice, not sure how good they are???