A father at 52



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Jan 8, 2006
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on the hill
Waking up early to change dipers, Keeping a watchful eye on a child at all times to correct them and keep them safe from any and all harmful thing's in the house, Feeding and talking to them every hour on the hour :happy10:
But when they sleep :cheers: It's like a vacation and I can catch a cat nap closs by so I know when they awake and want to eat, play, poop and pee to keep them healthy, Taking him to get his vaccinations that they have got to have to defend them from all the diseases that are out there.

Enough to where a man out

My oldest son found every table top to put a not on his head :toothy10: and my youngest son only slept 3 to 4 hours a night :angry7:

Raising a new born is a full time job when dun correctly :happy10:

I almost forgot the needs and responsibility that comes with a new born :toothy10:

all they want to do is play, poop, and eat :toothy10: and some times eat or put what ever they want to in there mouth and chewing on it
And this will continue for a couple years with a boy 8)

Who ells is raising a pup at this time
A new thread of the times you remember when you started a new bundle of joy :happy10:

So let's see some puppy stories if you have any funny ones to share :toothy10: or bad :happy10:

I get PO'ed when I take the time to let them do there duty and then a big dog will be barging off in a distance and he will take off back to the door :angry7:
I know he will grow out of this 8) But nature calls and this turns in to double duty time for duty :angry7:

Starting a new thread for the team and this was all I had so jump in and share a story 8)


As you can see he has grown and is a little bit easier and is starting to do his job at 3 month's :happy10:




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I think you all remember the day I first got Merlin and he jumped the fence and it took three hours of chasing him around the hood, lol.

When I first brought Turbo home to meet Maxi she looked at her then peed on the floor while looking at me and my girlfriend right in the eyes....Yep, puppyhood is a ***** (pun intended). :toothy10:

It's such a great feeling though once you can look at them and they know what you want. :)
I love him!!!

My son loves him!!!

You rock mike,for taking him in. Sure he's a pain now but you never know when that dog will save someone you love. Thier love is so unconditional.

We were looking at X breeds in the pet store the other day .$800????!!! WTF????? No way. I will keep going back to the animal shelter uintil the right one shows up.

First I have to fix and fence the front yard. Big job but I hope to have it dun this year.
Some pics of Baron (white pup now just under 4 months), Coots (black skinny one 11 years old. He's the one on the bed. Sometimes he allows us to sleep there too.), Luga (fat one, my shadow 12 years old). Lots of good memories Mike!!










I think you all remember the day I first got Merlin and he jumped the fence and it took three hours of chasing him around the hood, lol. I sure do Joe, It sure had us worried for a little while

When I first brought Turbo home to meet Maxi she looked at her then peed on the floor while looking at me and my girlfriend right in the eyes....Yep, puppyhood is a ***** (pun intended). :toothy10: That made me lmao out loud, Treva ask what was so funny :toothy10:

It's such a great feeling though once you can look at them and they know what you want. :)
he is getting close to that know Joe, I bet I have lost 5 lb's in 4 weeks keeping up with him :happy10:

I love him!!!

My son loves him!!!

You rock mike,for taking him in. Sure he's a pain now but you never know when that dog will save someone you love. Thier love is so unconditional.

We were looking at X breeds in the pet store the other day .$800????!!! WTF????? No way. I will keep going back to the animal shelter uintil the right one shows up.

First I have to fix and fence the front yard. Big job but I hope to have it dun this year.
I was blest to get this pup and I agree :happy10:
I will be able to let my little Malteze stay outside more often knowing he will not let another dog jump here and ruff her up. =P~ I have a 16X12 pen set up for him when I want him outside so other dogs can't get to him or vice a versa 8) He is a sweet loving ruff playing baby right know
Wow! Great looking pup and dogs there MoparLvr!

Mike, once buddy gets to be 70 lbs or so and learns how to be a good dog, you are going to be so happy with that guy. You'll look back at these "puppy" days and laugh.
Some pics of Baron (white pup now just under 4 months), Coots (black skinny one 11 years old. He's the one on the bed. Sometimes he allows us to sleep there too.), Luga (fat one, my shadow 12 years old). Lots of good memories Mike!!

WOW :cheers: What a good looking set of dogs MoparLvr :happy10:
I see your beautiful white pup had snow to use out side early to, Buddy had snow for his first couple weeks here on the hill at first and know that the snow is gone he is amazed with rocks and want's to pick them up and carry them in the house :toothy10: M&M's = Making Memories :happy10:

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Buddy's turning into a real bruiser Mike good looking dog, pretty soon he'll be sitting in Victoria's driver seat telling ya to take him for a drive so he can look at the ladies. Yup puppies are so cute when they're defenseless ball of fur but then they grow up and try taking over the joint and twice a day (in Jakes case) they give you that look and you know they're saying "feed me ya jerk or I'll naw on your arm, feed me now".


Wow! Great looking pup and dogs there MoparLvr!

Mike, once buddy gets to be 70 lbs or so and learns how to be a good dog, you are going to be so happy with that guy. You'll look back at these "puppy" days and laugh.
Looking back at when I raised my first Boxer "Storm"
She was a great dog around the house and with folks :happy10: But she only got to about 40 lb's :happy10: I think you are right 8) Buddy is going to be a larger Boxer like you said a couple weeks ago 8)
We will have some great day together that's for sure. I took him for a truck drive the other day when rumblefish bout me a 20 pack of BL bottles and he did great :happy10:
That's a beautiful dog you have there too, Mike. My wife had a boxer named Ginger when she was growing up so needless to say she is hovering over your pics. as well!!!
Buddy's turning into a real bruiser Mike good looking dog, pretty soon he'll be sitting in Victoria's driver seat telling ya to take him for a drive so he can look at the ladies. Yup puppies are so cute when they're defenseless ball of fur but then they grow up and try taking over the joint and twice a day (in Jakes case) they give you that look and you know they're saying "feed me ya jerk or I'll naw on your arm, feed me now".
Thank you demon seed :happy10: I can't wait :cheers: He is the right color for Victoria =P~ And if he is anything like my other two dogs Storm "female Boxer and Socket a mix bread they loved going to the county line and filling my cooler up with me =P~
I can't wait to take him to the drag strip and camping this spring :cheers:

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That's a beautiful dog you have there too, Mike. My wife had a boxer named Ginger when she was growing up so needless to say she is hovering over your pics. as well!!!
Thank you MoparLvr :happy10: Ginger is a great name, Buddy is the same color as ginger the spice I make ginger bread with :happy10: to cool :cheers:
Pups are like kids Mike. They have a very short attention span, no matter if they are eating, pooping , or playing. He's a beauty all right, so just hang in there with him. Besides, you probably needed to loose that 5 pounds anyway. Hmmmmmmm, 5 pounds - maybe I should get another pup............... NAW. :)
Pups are like kids Mike. They have a very short attention span, no matter if they are eating, pooping , or playing. He's a beauty all right, so just hang in there with him. Besides, you probably needed to loose that 5 pounds anyway. Hmmmmmmm, 5 pounds - maybe I should get another pup............... NAW. :)

short attention span :toothy10: ain't that the truth :-D
We can go outside to take a walk and do his duty and starts to relieve his self and then the wind would blow some leaves and he just want's to go play with them and stops right in the middle of it :-D
"Besides, you probably needed to loose that 5 pounds anyway" YEP!!:-D I sure did need to, and another 5 lb's would not hurt a thing bud :happy10:
Lab's are so expensive and you never see any in shelter's here in Duck country and they are in great demand here Sid, I went to go get one that was in the paper, They did not answer there phone so I drove just 6 miles away and seen the owner outside working on a table in his garage and he said they where all gone $100 for his last two males.
Buddy is doing fine and is getting use to the night time walks hearing other dogs barking in the distant's, He use to take off running to the door as soon as one would bark on the next hill over :toothy10:
My favorite part of puppies is they go full tilt at everything, then drop instantly into a cute nap. Makes me hard to stay angry at them while I'm cleaning up a present they left me.

Cute pups all around.

Better be a good Master Mike, you know what happens to bad pack leaders....:-D

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My favorite part of puppies is they go full tilt at everything, then drop instantly into a cute nap. Makes me hard to stay angry at them while I'm cleaning up a present they left me.

Cute pups all around.

I here that Grant :toothy10: The first few days he would do the exited pee trail in the kitchen floor :toothy10: But with a watchful eye and a good scolding he leaned that he was doing something wrong 8)
He is doing great :cheers: Thank god :-D He comes to my side of the bed and bulls on my blanket's at 4 am sharp and out we go.

Mike, I think we will be puppy parents within the next year. :clock:
Mary misses Cody to much.
Yea I waited till winter to start a new pup and it has tuned out real good, I think pup's that are born in the winter have a healthier way to go here in Arkansas :read2:

Nice pup Mike. It is always nice to have a good friend around.
It sure is Burnt :happy10: It's been a long summer not having a friend with me :angry7: and I was ready for another partner in crime and he was a blessing to say the least.:-D
Better be a good Master Mike, you know what happens to bad pack leaders....:-D
LMAO :toothy10: He even looks like buddy :-D No worries Joe :-D I am being a gracious and firm master.
He is doing like you said :cheers: I can just look at him when he is getting to close to my little Boggy and he backs away :-D He loves his memike :-D
Puppies are work and I am giving him all his training I did Socket Joe, except he will not be put on a run line and has a kennel I am almost dun with.
He and I walk to the road on trash days together on a leash and I am very happy with his open eye's and ears. Yep!! I am in love again bra :-D

LOL Thats funny Ramcharger!!!

This is what happens when you drive too fast with your pet.
I can't wait to show ramcharger's and your picture's :toothy10:
Yall so funny :toothy10: It's league night tonight so he will be in his large new cage tonight so we spent some time outside today :-D
It's 48f and sun shine outside, He wants to chase leaves and pick up rocks around the yard :happy10:
A bundle of energy and happier then a rooster in a house full of hen's :-D
Thank yall for the great words and laughs MoparLvr:-D