A favor and a vote please



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
Ontario Parts Unknown
Hi, I have asked before in the past and thank you to those that have helped.
My Mom (Myrlene) and Stepfather (John) have owned their own interior design store for the better part of 40 years. It, as well as the way people shop(internet) have changed quite a bit in that stretch of time. They are a Mom and Pop operation and struggle against the likes of Ikea, as well as other big box stores. They both are very proud people and I wish that Mom especially will slow down/retire, BUT I dont see that happening anytime soon.
I cant say enough about what they have accomplished and how proud I am of them, but I will stop now. I am asking you to take a quick 30 seconds and cast a vote for their store Urban Mode. I will past the link below as well as the link to their store.
Thanks everyone, I appreciate it!

Vote below


Store link below

Oops, I voted for the wrong one....

Just kidding... Done...
Thanks all! Mom puts so much pride in what she does and is great at it. Its nice for their hard work to get recognized.
Thanks again!
Very happy to do this. Do we vote just the one time or can we vote every 24 hrs?
Taken care of! I was a small business owner so I understand how hard it is to compete in todays market. Happy to help!
vote done.... but might I add about retirement, for some of us it defines not just what we do but who we are. sometimes we just slow down but never retire!??